I'm a freaking dawrf!

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Once all of my brothers are dressed, we sit down and have a ten minute conversation about the rules that I'm putting in place here and blah blah blah.

After that conversation I take them to the front door where the stairs are.

"Alright, now you're all are going up to the left side of the house, this side will be you all's" I am interrupted by a bunch of yes's and yay's. "I want you guys to be responsible... there are a total of 6 bed rooms including the master, no one is getting the master because I don't want you all to fight the rest you can choose from, there is also a multipurpose room that has movies and stuff that you can play with but I don't want you in there too late. Any questions?" I finish.

"Yeah what about the other two rooms?" Carter speaks first.

"One of them I want to be a study room, the master however you guys will have to agree on what to convert it into but I will help with ideas and stuff if you want. Okay?" I question.

Again I get a chorus of yes's.

"Can I trust you guys to look at it your selves while I get my stuff and go to the other side?" I ask.

"Yes, Sang I will watch them." Danny says.

"Okay but if anything happens without you at least telling me you will be in serious trouble, got it?" I tell him.

"Yes ma'am." Danny replies looking down.

"Okay one last thing before you all go explore." I say.

"What?" Sammy asks.

"That guy from earlier is coming back, don't ask me why because I have no idea." I say smiling.

Ooooooh's go around the room as I laugh at them.

"Okay go pick out your rooms and make me a list of anything you want; Oh and don't forget your stuff"

Cole and Carter race up the stairs eager to explore, while Danny stays with me and Sammy.

"Do you want help with your stuff?" he questions.

"I'm good, go find a room, and tell them we are going shopping tomorrow." I say.

Once Danny has walked up the stairs I leave to get my bag from the car. As I'm closing the trunk I see Brandon leaving his house and I wave at him.

He waves back.

"So I decided I'm taking you to my shop tomorrow to find a bike." He says walking up to me.

I squeal and jump "Finally I've wanted a new one for the longest time!"

Brandon just stares at me laughing.

"Shut up." I say when I'm over my jumping moment.

"I didn't say anything, Sunshine." he says back.

"What ever, and don't call me sunshine." I glare at him and blush at the nick name.

Brandon doesn't respond, instead he takes my bag and walks into the house.

"Rude" I mutter before following him.

"Where to?" he asks once we get inside.

"The right stair case." I say pointing.

"So tomorrow I have the whole day off did you want to do anything besides finding a motorcycle?" Brandon questions.

"I'm taking the boys shopping, as you can see we didn't bring much with us." I say laughing.

"Mind if I join?" he asks nervously.

"Of course not." I reply happy to have someone else around.

"Maybe after we can go out to dinner or something, like just the two of us." Brandon says.

I fake gasp. "Did you just ask me out on a date." I say dramatically.

He blushes. BLUSHES. "Yes I did." 

"Hmmmmmm" I hum pretending to think. "I would love to. but I must warn you I met someone earlier today that might have similar intentions." I say thinking of Luke.

"That won't be a problem." he says "For now"

I laugh at him as we reach the end of the hall to the master on this side and open the door.

"Woah." we say in unison walking in. We look at each other and smile.

"I don't feel like unpacking." I say immediately laying on the bed.

Brandon joins me.

"Tell me about yourself." I tell him.

"What do you want to know?" He asks.

"I don't know anything you want." I respond.

"Ummm... I'm 23, I have 13 brothers not including myself, only one is blood related he is my twin, Corey... I like bikes, if you couldn't tell. My favorite color is navy blue, and that's about everything I can think of. You're turn." He finishes.

"I'm eight teen, I have 4 brothers, they are technically my step brothers but I don't consider them that. Some of the things I like are bikes, reading, superheros, learning new languages, music, and I own my own design business, its online. I don't have a favorite color but I tend to lean toward darker colors." I say. 

We sit in comfortable silence for about 5 minutes before there is pounding on my bed room door.

"What." I yell.

Danny and Sammy open the door not paying much attention. 

"That Brandon guy is here with some huge dude holding cookies." Danny says.

I tilt my head while Brandon is rolling his eyes.

Danny finally realizes that Brandon is in the room and jumps. This time I roll my eyes.

"Wow meeting the twin already." I tease.

"They were supposed to wait until we went on a date." he groans and I laugh.

"Well lets go." I said "I don't have anything for lunch and now I'm craving cookies." I laugh again this time Brandon joins me.

"Boys have you made your list's? I ask leaving the room with Brandon beside me.

"Yeah I left them on the counter." Danny said.

"Okay do you guys want to watch a movie, there's supposed to be a theater room down stairs." I say, now walking down the stairs.

"Yeah I'm sure the twins are already there, they wanted to explore." I laughed.

"Remember nothing bad, you have Sammy with you." I remind.


Once we reach the bottom of the stairs he takes off.

I walk to the door, knowing Danny he would have said 'Wait here' and slammed the door in their faces.

I open the front door to see Brandon's twin, his eyes seem to be happier than Brandon's. Then I look beside him and up and up and up.

"I'm a freaking dawrf." I say glaring at the tall man with big ass muscles and lots of tattoos.

Brandon falls down laughing while Corey, I think his name was, chuckles and the tall guy looks confused.

This will be fun.

Sang and her BoysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant