The Truth Reveals

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I can't believe I just said all of that.

Vega suddenly runs up to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. I grab her waist by instinct, and pull her close.

"Aww Jade" she mutters into my neck. I pull back and look into her worry-filled eyes.

"It's just.. I'm scared that someday.. you'll find someone better than me. Someone who makes you feel happy and safe. Someone who would never hurt you.. Honestly Tori, you deserve someone like that" I tell her in a weak voice. She looks as if she's about to cry right now. Hopefully it's happy tears, or else I'm dead meat.

Vega slightly smiles, and cups my cheek. "Jade, you might not be perfect, but that's what I like most about you. I like how you're never afraid to speak your mind. You act all tough and dark, but as I get closer to you, I see your softer side. And I love that side of you Jade. I wouldn't leave you for anyone" she sincerely says, and I almost believe her words. I want to believe her words, but I can't afford to get my heart broken again.

Instead, I smile at her, and I'm about to lean in to kiss her, until we're interrupted by Ryan clearing his fucking throat to grab our attention.

"Ryan, we promised each other when we were little that we'd never take away anything that makes either of us happy. Remember?" Vega asks, and he slowly nods, confused. "Well.. Jade makes me happy. And I really need you two to get along.. for my sake. I don't wanna have to ever choose between my best friend ad my girlfriend, so please.. will you two do this for me?" she asks us both, with those cute puppy-dog eyes of hers. I roll my eyes at first, but then I realise that it's the least I could do for her.

Damn those eyes.

I walk towards Ryan, and extend my hand for him to shake, and he does. No words are exchanged, but it's a silent agreement that we'd try to act civil around each other. Vega smiles brightly, and pulls us both into another hug, wrapping an arm around both of us. She kisses him on the cheek, and she kisses my lips.

"So.. wanna get in the water then?" Ryan proposes, and both Vega and I nod our heads. We both remove our t-shirts and shorts, to reveal our bikinis, and Ryan wolf whistles as he sees us. Vega playfully smacks his arm, before running towards me and jumps on my back. She's super light, which isn't that surprising honestly, and I give her a piggy back ride to the ocean. A smirk comes to my face and I drop her into the freezing cold water, and she screams. Ryan starts pissing himself ad he gives me a high-five, saying '"good one".

"I'm already starting to regret making you two promise to get along" Vega jokes, as she fakes being mad at me ,but she's terrible at it as I can spot her smile from a mile away. Ryan and I laugh at her, and soon we're all splashing around in the water. We even play with Tyler for a bit, until it starts to get dark, and we get tired.

"Surprisingly.. I had fun today Ryan" I tell him, as we're drying off at our bags. He smiles widely, and it reminds me a lot of Vega's smile.

"Me too" He says happily, and I smile back at him before throwing on my t-shirt. As I turn around, I see Vega flashing me a proud look and I roll my eyes at her, smile still in place. We grab our bags and walk towards the parking lot, and bid each other goodbye. Vega hugs him very quickly, and my smile disappears for a second, but then I remember that there's no need for me to be jealous in the first place.

Vega's not really my girlfriend. This is all just fake. She doesn't really care about me, she's just good at acting, that's all.

We hop in the car and drive off, the car ride being in a comfortable silence as we're all exhausted from today. And to be honest, today wasn't entirely that bad. It surely could've gone a hell of a lot worse, but.. I'm kinda glad with the way things turned out. But I can't help but to think about how much my feelings towards Vega have changed..

Imprisoned Love (Jori)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant