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Tori's POV:

My eyes flutter open, but then squint to the bright sunshine coming from the windows. I'm about to get up, when I notice an arm draped over my waist. At first I tense up, but then I see raven hair along with a few green streaks. And then I remember that Jade slept over last night. I sigh as I remember everything that happened yesterday.



I was in Sikowitz' class when Beck stormed in, obviously wazzed off about something. He told us about his break up and I instantly felt terrible for him. I tried to reassure him and he gave me a small smile in return. That's something I love about Beck. No matter how wazzed off he is, he would never intentionally hurt any of his friends. I can't believe Jade would break up with a guy like him.

Jade. Jade and I never got along. We were practically enemies in the school. Sikowitz, however, sent me to go get Jade when he found out what had happened. But there was literally mo point, because there's no way Jade would ever come back to class. But he still sent me, no matter how many times I begged him to send someone else.

When I got there, Jade was just standing in the middle of the corridor. She looked so broken, and I actually felt bad for her for once. She looked as if she was trying so hard to fight back her tears, but after some sweet talk and some reassurance, she let it all out. I knew it was a huge risk to hug Jade, since she never lets anyone touch her, except Beck. But I did and I was very surprised that she even let me. But what surprised me even more, was the fact that she hugged me back!

For once, my deep hatred towards Jade started to fade away, and in that moment, it felt like we were friends.

She sobbed for a few minutes, but when her sobs died down, she didn't move. She stayed in the same position. And when I asked her if she was okay, she just hugged me even harder. I'm not gonna lie, I was struggling to breathe a bit, but a smile remained on my face as I soon relaxed into her embrace.

However, our moment was ruined when she suddenly pushed me away with much force. So much for friends. She told me that she didn't need me and she just walked off.

Whenever Jade usually yells at me or screams at my face during our fights, I usually just shout something back at her and I don't really get offended. But when she pushed me away this time, hurt flashed across my face. And I'm sure she must've noticed it too.

Afterwards I went back to class, still upset about everything that happened. I thought she was starting to loosen up to me. I thought we could actually stop this whole hatred nonsense. But nope. She just pushed me away. Like all the other times she's cried in front of me.

I know I should've been mad at her, but I couldn't help but to be worried when she didn't return at lunch. I told Cat, André and Robbie to call and text her, because I didn't wanna show that I cared about her. But I actually do. I care about all of my friends. Is Jade my friend? I dunno, but all I need to know right now, is that she's safe.

I get even more anxious when she doesn't pick up anyone's calls. My mind starts racing and I feel a pit in my stomach. The bell rings, signalling the end of lunch and I just pray that she's safely at home.

When the last bell rings, I go to my locker to get my books. By this time, I was mostly just focused about how I had a 5-page essay due Monday along with a pop quiz. I better get a lotta study done when I get home and during the weekend.

Just then, Beck walks over to me. He seems panicked and I instantly remember about Jade.

He tells me that she's still not back and her mom says she's not at home either. I get super worried again and immediately take out my phone. Apparently she's been avoiding everyone's calls so I doubt she'll pick up mine, but I still try anyways.

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