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I didn't call Levi that night, instead, I ignored his calls and locked the door to the dorm. Right now I was laying on my bunk- Hanji has still yet to return back. It was really late and she's probably out partying or some shit.

Then again it's Hanji we're talking about, she's batshit crazy when she wants to be.

Watching a bunch of cute dog compilations and some snazzy vines on Youtube with my earphones I giggled a little seeing a fluffy husky doing some tricks for its owner. The top of my screen often lit up with Levi's Snapchat letting me know he texted me. Despite the fact of me watching cute dog videos and vines I was still annoyed at Levi- I get that he could've been keeping the gun thing from me in some form of protection but the shit he said after hurt.

Levi 😘❤❤ Has sent you a snap!

I couldn't care.. This dude can be so clingy sometimes.

With an irritated sigh, I click on the notification, soon our chat popped up showing Levi's long row of texts.

I heard ur door lock
Wats going on F/N?
Ur upset arent u
Yr u not seeing these
Still not on!?
F/N ur fckin killin me here
B u know I luv u
Ffs wat do i have 2 do 2 get u to look at these

The fact that he tried to spam with first words to get my attention made a miniature smile appear on my lips from how hard he's trying. Saving the conversation I began to type.

                                 Levi can you chill pls     I'm fed up of fighting since it's the only thing we seem to do ynow?????   This relationship is gonna turn toxic one way or another and i hate it tbh

Levi 😘❤❤:
U hate bein w/ me?
Dont tell me ur breakin up w/ me over text
F/N i wont keep anythin from u ever again since ik how pissed u get now

                                                                 F/N: U nerd I'm not breaking up with u      over text!
And no i don't hate bein with u Levi, i really enjoy being with u

Levi 😘❤❤:
Same here b xx
Now lemme in
Im outside ur room
Im not here for fuk
I waNT tO mAkE sHiT bEtTer

I look up from my phone and towards my door in confusion. How long has he been there?

                                                                F/N: Ur outside my room? How long have u been there?

I see a little slip of paper go under the small gap at the bottom of my door, it had a big smiley face and under it had a stickman and a stickwoman holding hands? What the fuck?

"I've been here for the past five minutes dork, those stick people are me and you- be glad I'm actually here you shit" Levi's muffled voice came from the other side of the door, hoping down from the top bunk leaving my phone and earphones behind I pad towards the door and pick up the piece of paper with an amused look before setting it aside. Unlocking the door I open it to see Levi with crossed arms.

"You're so clingy, it's funny"

Levi grunted and walked in passed me as I closed the door behind us, he sat on the edge of Hanji's bunk. "So I get what you mean by the fighting shit we always seem to do... I won't keep shit from you anymore" Levi says as I lean against the edge of the desk I got opposite the bunks by the door.

"I don't really have anything to keep from you unless you count me having a little birdy tell me about the supposed gangs going around" I tell him with a sigh "personally, the whole gang thing seems pretty stupid. We're in University. Not a bloody action movie or something with how everything has been going on with the gun and all." I grunt as Levi goes silent for a few seconds "The only reasons there are gangs is like... We have areas that are our own, like mine- Since I have my own little group I have an area that belongs to me" the pale male explains as I quirk a brow.

"Sounds like something a pack of wolves would be doing but whatever, what areas of the campus are yours?" I ask with a tint of curiosity. "The library, back alleys where you saw me chasing Eren and the football field" he says as my eyes widen a bit. That's a lot of land belonging to Levi!

"So.. What happens if someone that's not from your group- goes into your area place thingy?" I question as he hums a little "we either chase them out of it or beat them, it doesn't apply when they happen to be a school event or their timetable is in those said areas- if they have to be in those areas because of the university then we'll leave them be. It's the same for everyone including me." Levi continued as I nod subtly.

"Does that apply to me? Do I have to watch where I'm going as well?" I ask somewhat scared of the fact from being beaten from a group alone somewhere. Levi shakes his head "no, you're fine, you're not in an actual gang so you're not involved in any of that shit- Even if you're with me, nothing will happen to you. If anything does happen. You have to tell me, Farlan or Isabel. Got it?" His expression suddenly turned serious as I nod in understanding and sit next to him. "Why Farlan and Isabel?" I lean on Levi's shoulder as he beings his hand through my hair quietly. "Because they're the only two that know you that are members of my group, and the fact that they're like a brother and sister to me so I can trust them with you" Levi taps on my back before bringing his arms around me.

"Alright... Tell me.. Is everyone I know apart of a group thing?" I look to him as he seems to go into thought for a minute. "Yeah.. Kinda" Levi replies.

"In my group, there's me, Farlan, Isabel, Eld, Gunther, Oluo and a few other people you aren't familiar with- Some people would represent my area as the underground, got no idea why but that'the way it is. We're called Levi squad"

"Erwin is a leader of the Scouts, they have their own area. Hanji, Moblit, Jean, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie Ymir and Christa are in that group- since Erwin and I happen to be close though, we don't fight or anything like that.. An alliance sort of"

"Eren is apart of a group called the Titans, people like Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie are in that group"

"Wait who?" I cut him off as Levi shakes his head dismissing my question. "Doesn't matter, anyway the Titans are basically against the Scouts and my group- got no idea what those freaks have going on in their brains but not my problem" Levi checks the time on his phone.

"Why do you have a gun then?"

Levi squeezes me a little. "I've been talking with Erwin, one of his guys smuggles in weapons so when I first started to y'know... Like you I wanted something to use if you ever got into a shitty situation" he muttered in embarrassment. Accidentally awe'ing out loud I squeak when Levi playfully pinches me. "You can be so cute~" I coo pinching his cheeks seeing a tint of red on them as well, Levi swats my hands away with a scowl.

"Shut it, I'm a very serious man when I can be" he growls as I laugh and shake my head remembering the page from earlier. "Says the same guy who slipped a page under my door with stick people holding hands and a smiley face" I chuckle as Levi rolls his eyes.

Residents Of Maria High  ~  Levi x Reader Modern!AU ~DISCONTINUED!~Where stories live. Discover now