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The bell had rung signalling the end of class- I had heard of some football game going on in half an hour today, some other team from across the country had travelled to the campus for a match to see who'd move onto the next level of the championship. Most people were going to support our team called 'Maria High Rangers' and apparently, Erwin was captain of the team with Levi being one of the best players. I slung my bag over my shoulder with a soft hum and walked out onto the corridor where I heard my name being called out from behind me.

''F/N! Wait up!''


Turning around with a quizzed look I watched as Eren jogged to me followed by Mikasa and Armin with a wide smile. ''There's a football game going on later, you want to watch it with Mikasa and Armin while I play in it with Levi?'' he chirped with big shimmering emerald iris'. Mikasa nodded a little to me as if she was silently edging me on to join them. With a shrug I nod and smile ''sure, why not- I hope for the best for you to win~'' playfully pinching his cheek I hear him whine making me chuckle, Armin was tittering a little whilst scratching the back of his neck. ''We'll be high up on the stand to get a good view of the match- and to keep an eye on Eren so he doesn't get violent in the match'' Armin stated softly as Eren spun around to him with a twitching eye and an angry pout. ''Wah?! Armin I do not get violent in games!'' he retorted with a huff as Mikasa cocked a thin brow at the boy.

''Really? Last time I had to bring you to the nurse's office because you picked a fight with your own team-mate Eren.''

Shifting his embarrassed gaze towards the ravenette he scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest before turning back to me with a miniature smile. ''Anyways- I'll see you at the game and I'll tell Levi you'll be there so he can show off~'' he purred as I squinted my eyes at him before letting him ruffle my hair playfully. ''Yeah, yeah Jaeger- just play nice out there.. I'll see you guys later'' I wave goodbye to them and leave for Levi's dorm where most my stuff was at. Taking out a spare keycard he gave me I swiped it in the little machine before the door opened- walking in I clicked the door shut and dropped my bag next to it. I begin to fish through the wardrobe for a new outfit and it ended up taking me five minutes at the maximum which is usually really quick, ripped jeans, one of Levi's over-sized hoodies that I can happily stuff my hands into the pockets of and some converse before I get into the shower to quickly clean myself off and refresh myself.

After getting out and drying myself off, I change into the new outfit waiting for me and grab my phone and the keycard before hurrying out of his dorm and locking the door- there were only a few minutes left before the game started and I was in a rush. Speeding down the stairs with a hop in my step I arrive at the ground floor and speed walk out into the courtyard towards the football fields, sun beaming down onto the ground as clouds came and passed every few minutes- the sun lit up the grass on the field making it into a bright green, the white lining of the field accompanying the look as well as I went to the stands.

''F/N up here!''

Catching the gaze of Armin I smile softly to myself before going up the little set of stairs to the row near the top of the stands where Armin sat next to Mikasa with surprisingly Connie and Sasha. ''Hey F/N! Nice weather for a game like this today huh?'' Connie grinned shoving a lollipop into his mouth as Sasha nodded eagerly and shoved one into her own. ''Yeah- the weather is really nice for a game today'' I agree and take a seat by Mikasa, she lets a tiny smirk slip onto the edge of her thin lips as we make eye contact before she speaks ''Levi's been looking around the stand for you- He went into the changing rooms just before you came''. I subtly nod and thank her for telling me before a whistle blows loudly and both teams come out, I saw Levi come out in his gear,  his expression was emotionless until he saw me and it softened a little. 

// Time Skip Because I Don't Know Anything About Football \\

The crowd roared again as Levi shot another goal- so far, we were winning by 8 to 2 and most of the goals were from Levi, a guy called Miche scored three while Levi did the rest. Dirt was layered on them as sweat trickled down their necks as they ran for the ball. That's when the time finished, another winning match for the Rangers and a loss for the other team that travelled here. People from the stands ran out onto the field as some stayed and cheered from afar. I shyly clapped with a smile for the winning team before deciding to go down onto the field before the others followed behind.

I caught sight of Levi chatting with Erwin- he was taking a drink before looking to me, with a nod Levi left Erwin and wandered to me, I took him in a hug and squeezed him somewhat. ''That was a good match! You did really well!'' I compliment as Levi playfully rolls his eyes and pecks my cheek ''thanks dork- Is that my hoodie you have on? Little thief'' he hums before wrapping an arm around my side. Ignoring the fact that he's sweaty and dirty from the mud on the field. 

''I'm getting a shower when I get back then I'm getting sleep 'cause I'm tired like shit.''

Residents Of Maria High  ~  Levi x Reader Modern!AU ~DISCONTINUED!~Where stories live. Discover now