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"So you sorted everything out with Levi?"

Oh, Hanji?

Walking into the dorm room with a delicate smile I subtly nod at Hanji to reassure her about me and Levi, she lets out a sigh of relief then a giggle or two. "Finally~ Two of my favourite people can get back to flirting again like a normal couple teehee!" She called resting a hand over her stomach as I took off my jacket and put my keycard on the desk near the door before sitting down at the edge of Hanji's bunk. The mattress sunk from next to me signalling me that the female had joined my side. "Well? I saw your and shorties snapchat and I smell some lovey-dovey stuff going on~" she continues twiddling her index at me playfully as I roll my eyes at her. "We're not together only friends, nothing special," I say in a matter of fact tone- thinking back to the pictures he'd taken of himself on my phone. "Oh that's not what I managed to get out of shorty earlier today" she chirps making me turn to her in confusion along with a risen brow.


"Nothing! Forget I said anything! Are you ready for shopping tomorrow? We do of course have a day off and then after tomorrow is the partayy!!" Hanji sang flopping back on her bed chuckling as I snicker and nod to her. "Yeah... It will be fun I guess, though I don't really know that much people apart from our usual group that sit together in the cafeteria.." I mutter before taking off my shoes and setting them near the door before changing into a tank top and shorts for bed. "Don't worry F/N you'll meet a bunch of cool people at the party and if you don't then you could hang out with me or Levi! He'll be there so you might want to dress up a little sweety~!" Hanji wiggled her eyebrows before setting her glasses on her nightstand next to her bunk as I climbed up the small ladder to the top bunk. "Yeah, yeah whatever you say Hanji... Good night" I hum loud enough for her to hear, the sound of shuffling from the Auburn haired girls behalf filled the silent room before she responded sweetly.

"Good night F/N, don't stay up too late texting Levi now"

Scrap that, that wasn't sweet at all.

Just as I got under the covers and curled up my phone flashed from a notification from snap chat. Hanji must have already been asleep due to the soft snores coming from below. Opening snapchat I look at the notification from Levi, turns out it was a photo sent.

Opening the photo he sent; it showed Levi in a black tank top laying on his side with his phone barely far away to show his collar bone. His naturally feline looking eyes were squinted due to the light of his phone along with a miniature smile and those same soft raven strands resting against his soft white pillow, he didn't type anything, only sent a pic of himself which slightly confused me. Rolling my eyes I click the little camera icon and cuddle up to my pillow before taking the picture and typing near the bottom;

'It's late at night and you're sending me pictures of yourself?'

After sending it I watch as Levi's little bit-emoji popped up for a few seconds before disappearing into hiding behind the keyboard. Next minute I knew, he sent another picture. This time he was in the same pose as me, chin resting on the pillow with his free hand clutching it to himself from underneath. Instead of looking right at the camera Levi was looking off past the camera.

'Brat, well I wanted 2 c if u were up.. Btw don't question y I ss ur pic, ur cute in it'

I scowled at his text and took another one of myself rolling my eyes before typing in at the bottom.

'Creep, is that gonna be another source of jacking off material for you now? Never thought you'd go to that level Levi'

Continuing to take random pictures of ourselves and talking for a while, I eventually was beginning to grow tired yet it's the first time I could properly have a conversation with Levi. Hate to say it but I didn't want to leave him to go asleep. Tiredness tried to get the best of me but my stubbornness lived on so instead I continued to text Levi.

Residents Of Maria High  ~  Levi x Reader Modern!AU ~DISCONTINUED!~Where stories live. Discover now