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With a yawn, I hauled myself out of bed- setting my feet on the shockingly cold floor only to squeak and pull them back up with a jolt. Groaning softly I stretch my arms upwards and stand up ignoring the cold wooden floor that creaked ever so slightly with every step I took. ''What day is it.. More than ever.. What bloody time is it?'' I groggily ask taking a tired glimpse to my phone, Monday, 6:23am...




Hurriedly plugging my phone in to charge I was about to go bounding after my mother only to find her calmly humming in the kitchen whilst making breakfast. Turning over her shoulder to look at me she continues humming ''oh F/N! You're awake! Why don't you go get yourself sorted out for the meeting with the principle of your uni, we have to be there by 8:30'' she chirped watching me disappear back upstairs to get a shower eagerly. Thoughts of the place began to flood into my mind as I washed 'would that new place be better than the last shithole? Hopefully, the dorms aren't fucking small' I thought soon finishing my shower and getting changed, throwing on one of my favourites outfits I lightly put on some make-up, not too much, I wouldn't want to look like a butch on my first day.

Thankfully mom and I had successfully packed two suitcases of clothes and two boxes of other stuff ready to be moved into the dorm. My phone buzzed letting my I've gotten a notification from one of my social media's or someone texted me. Taking my phone I look to the battery, 87%... It will survive the day.


Lightly jogging down the stairs I turn towards the kitchen and sit down at the counter after taking a slice of toast and some coffee, setting myself down I nibble on the toast along with taking little sips of my coffee here and there whilst scrolling through Facebook. By now my dad had come down the stairs in his uniform, he was going to drop me off to the school while my mom finished setting up the last few pieces of furniture at home. ''Hello squirt, mornin' hun'' he greeted us both getting a hum of acknowledgement from my behalf and a cheery greeting from my mom as she pecked his cheek.

''F/N are you ready to go to school? I bet you'll end up taking a boy home this year, but, make sure he's not a troublemaker little miss'' my dad said again making me snicker and roll my eyes playfully before turning to him and slinging my bag over my shoulder. ''Ah-ah L/N, you're not going out to that car with your arms swinging.. Come on and help me get all your girly stuff into the boot'' he teased watching my face turn to a scowl. ''Yeah yeah, okay father whatever makes you happy'' I drone as we both begin to load my stuff into the boot of the car.

Once we were finished I said goodbye to my mom and hopped in the passenger seat as my dad got into the driver's seat and drove off. He turned on the radio to accompany the low humming of the tires off of the road as we drove in peaceful silence. Homes and shops passed by us in a blur somewhat before my dad turned a corner and ahead of us lay a massive looking building, next to it were another- the fact that they looked very modern looking sent chills of excitement down my spine. My dad only chuckled seeing me shiver slightly. The second building must've been the dormitories for the students to stay in. 

''Don't worry squirt... We'll get you sorted out in no time''

A miniature smile graced my lips upon seeing the students walk around doing their own thing, some by themselves reading and some were in groups messing. Parking outside of the gates of the university a large sign was curved over the gate with the name of the place.

Maria High

Getting out, my dad was already out and at the book flicking it open- a short man in a grey suit sauntered over followed by a taller woman with brown hair and glasses. An eager looking grin crossed her lips upon seeing me, behind her was a boy around the same age as her with fawn-like hair, parted in the middle with a little worried look on his face when he glanced at the woman. My dad has finished taking out everything to rest them on the sidewalk as the trio arrived, just as they did my father's face lit up. ''Ah! Thomas! I never knew you were the principle of this large place'' my father exclaimed as the two laughed and greeted each other. ''D/N it's great to see you again, this must be little F/N, the last time I saw you was when you were only a little child F/N!'' the principle chuckled inwardly as I awkwardly smiled. ''It's good to meet you sir'' I spoke earning a titter from my dad as the suited man waved me off.

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