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I arrive at the Hokage's Mansion with Lee. Guy Sensei and Neji were already there. Neji looked at me, but only briefly, as if he didn't even want to make eye contact with me. It made me kind of sad, but I can't let that get to me.

"Now that you're all here, I'll give you your mission details."

I couldn't really pay attention to Lady Tsunade. I was standing right next to Neji. What makes it worst is he didn't even acknowledge that I was there. He didn't even nod at me. It kind of made me angry. I understand that you may be uncomfortable, but don't pretend I don't exist!

"... so team Guy, you will be escorting him to the hidden cloud."

Escorting who? For what? Ugh, I should've been paying attention.

"You will depart tomorrow evening. Enjoy the rest of your day."

We left the Mansion. Of course Lee and Guy Sensei ran off into the sunset crying. They never fail to disturb me. I look over and see Neji just standing there, as if he was thinking really hard. I decided not to bother him. I wonder what Ino is doing? Haven't hung out with her in a while.


I can tell she was upset. I purely ignored her. I can not speak to her. I can not control what comes out of my mouth when I'm around her. The hell's wrong with me!?

"Oh, damn it all!"

I shouted that pretty loud. Villagers were staring at me concerned and confused. Well, great! I've embarrassed myself.

"What a drag. Could you have your outbursts somewhere else?"

I turn around to Shikamaru yawning. Apparently he was sleep under a tree next to the Mansion. Sounds about right.

"Oh. Shikamaru. I apologize about that. Just... a lot on my mind at the moment."

He starts yawning again. Can you at least pretend to care damn it?!

"Still having girl trouble?"

"How did you know?"

"Tema told me Tenten said something to her."

"Ah. Yes, well..."

Shikamaru looked at me. His posture said he was uninterested, but his face expression was showing attentiveness. What a confusing guy.

"Me and Tenten can not be more than platonic. It's something I carry as a Hyuga. I was trying to avoid her, but now we have a mission together. Lucky me, right?"

Shikamaru looked at me with a mixture of confusion and concern. He looked away for a second, the back at me whilst crossing his arms.

"Just because you're a Hyuga, doesn't mean you have to be a robot."


"What? You're not allowed to have emotions because of a clan you were born into?"

"I must remain a professional ninja if I want to honor the Hyuga clan."

"So, explain Hinata."

"What do you mean?"

"You're not important compared to her."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"She's heiress right? She carries more than you do, but yet she shows enough emotions for the whole clan. You're from the side branch. So you should have more reason to do whatever you want."

I was so angry that my byakugan activated without my doing. How dare he... be correct?! All the damn time! Can you be wrong once?!


No use in getting upset. It's more complicated than that. He doesn't understand what it means to be Hyuga. He's a Nara. This ninja casts shadows for a living.

Shikamaru shrugs and starts to walk away with his hands behind his head.

"But what do I know? I'm just a ninja that uses shadows."

... He read my mind.


I'm hanging out with Ino and Hinata at the flower shop. I was basically just updating them on the Neji situation. Sigh. Why does this boy have to be so damn complicated?

"So Neji basically said 'Hey Tenten, I love you, but not enough to date you'?"

"Well, not exactly..."

"That's exactly what he's saying"

Ino is so damn extra. She scolds Naruto, but she's basically just like him. Hinata just giggles, then sighs.

"Nii-San can be... frustrating sometimes."

"What she really means is, Neji is an asshole."

I'll be the first to admit that I laughed hard as hell at that. Neji is frustrating as hell! If he wasn't so damn attractive and I was scared to mess up his face, I would've punched him in it by now.

"Why don't you make him jealous?"

"With who exactly?"

"Well, Rock Lee is on your team."




Hinata looked at Ino very concerned, as if she was you know, fucking insane. You want to know why? Because, SHE IS FUCKING INSANE!

Five minutes go past and we're still staring at her. Hinata still concerned, me with a poker face.


"Hell no!"

We decided to change the subject at that point. Because, you know, Ino. We decided to just spark up a random topic.

"So what's the mission you have to go on?"

"We have to escort someone to the hidden stone...or cloud... I wasn't paying attention really."

"Well I wish you all the best."

"Thanks Hina."

We continued to have regular conversation, until Sai showed up.

"Hello ladies!"

Sai came in and smiled, with his... book... in his right hand. Somebody needs to take that thing from him.

We greeted him back and then turned to Ino. Her hands were on her cheeks and her eyes were hearts. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's over sasuke, but this fangirling is worse than before.

"I was actually coming to see if you wanted to... hang out, but I see that you're pretty occupied."

In case you were wondering what that pause was, yes, he looked in his book.

"ACTUALLY... they were just leaving!"

Ino gets up and starts pushing us out. I thought it was chicks before dicks though...

When we fully get out of the shop, I turned around and shouted.

"He's gonna do everything wrong in that book, you know!"

Hinata laughed. Ino yelled in embarrassment. I laughed too and we left.

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