Hear No Secrets Chapter 8

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Hear No Secrets

Taylor Lautner as Grant Clark

Kristin Kreuk as Chloe Lang

This chapter ended up shorter than I thought so I'm sorry about that, but please vote and comment if you like it!

I love feedback. It lets me know whether to continue the story or not.

so, enjoy! :)

Chapter 8

Peter, my mom, and my doctor all met me in the gym after school. This was the doctor’s last assessment to see if he thought it was safe for me to officially get back into gymnastics. The first major tournament is in a week and I have all my routines choreographed and almost perfected. I warmed up and went through all my routines once and kept practicing while they all went into the other room to discuss it. It only took five minutes before they came out.

“So?” I said. I held my breath and kept my eyes locked on the doctor.

A small smile spread across his lips, “Based on your performance here tonight, I think you should go to the competition next week.”

“Really?!” I said, “I can go!?”

“Yes,” he laughed, “Your body performed very well today. Almost like you never had an injury.”

I smiled, “That was the idea. Thank you so much!! I can’t believe I’m back!”

“Welcome back to the competitive gymnastics world,” he said, “I can’t wait to watch you on my tv next week.”

I looked over at mom, “Will they let me compete?”

Mom replied, “I already talked to them. Considering you’re an Olympic medalist, they’re going to make an exception. You’re in. Your dad will be showing up the night before and we’ll all travel together.”

“Thank you!” I screamed. I hugged my mom first then went around and hugged Peter and the doctor too. I called Lana and Mia a few minutes later and they met up with me at the park five minutes before I was going to meet Grant.

“Guess what?!” I screamed as soon as I saw them.

“What?” Lana laughed.

“I’m in!!! I’m going to the competition next week!”

“Oh my God!!” Mia screamed, “We’ll have our TVs on the whole day to watch you!”

“I’m so happy for you!!” Lana exclaimed.

“I can’t believe this,” I smiled, “It’s almost too good to be true. The doctor said it’s almost as if I never had an injury. My bars routine is actually better than it’s ever been before.”

They each took turns hugging and we were still screaming when Grant walked up. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“Oh… uh… I just got some good news at home.”

“Like what?”

“Maybe someday.”

“Chloe!” Mia said, but Grant smiled.

“Funny,” he replied, “Maybe someday I’ll tell you too.”

“What just happened?” Mia asked.

“It’s our thing,” I explained, “It’s the saying he says the most.”


“It’s not just me,” Grant said, “Don’t act like you don’t say it too.”

“Whatever,” I laughed, “Want to walk?”

“Let’s go,” he said.

I turned to Lana and Mia, “I can call you guys later right?”

“You better,” Lana smiled, “That was huge news!”

“I will,” I laughed, “I promise!”

“Good,” she laughed.

            I started walking along the sidewalk with Grant while Lana and Mia walked back to their car. We walked around the park a few times like we always do, but didn’t start talking until our second time around.

“Was the good news that you’re going to be gone and miss a few days?” he asked.

“Yeah, something like that. I’ll have to miss a few days next week. I should be back in no time though.”

“And you’re happy about this?”

I smiled, “Very happy. I don’t remember the last time I was this happy.”

“I know.”

“What?” We sat down on a bench and he turned to me.

“I can see it in your face,” he said, “You look really happy. You haven’t stopped smiling since I came.”

“Oh,” I smiled even more, “I can’t help it. The news I got was just so amazing, but I don’t want to ruin it.”

“How would you ruin it?” he asked.

“I don’t want to tell people,” I said, “I know I told Lana and Mia, but I can’t tell anyone else. If things don’t work out then I’ll look like an idiot.”

“If it makes you that happy then you could never look like an idiot or ruin it. Everyone else will see how happy you are too.”

“I know,” I said, “But still. I can’t tell anybody. Maybe after next week happens.”

“Will you tell me?”


“What are you worried about?” he asked.

“What are YOU worried about?” I asked back.

“Fair enough.”

“I’ll tell you if you tell me,” I said.

“Okay,” he said, “I’m worried about your reaction. It’s like you said before, we both think it’s going to make us treat each other differently. I don’t want your feelings for me to change.”

“They won’t.”

“You say that now,” he said, “But you don’t know now. Maybe the closer we get and the more we know each other, the less chance there will be that we’ll treat each other differently.”

I smiled, “That’s a good idea. Deal?”




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I need feedback so I know whether to continue. :)

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