Chapter Eighteen

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Areum shrugged and looked at him. "It depends, do you want me to die or do you want me to stay alive so you can still see me?" she asked while pulling away. She stepped off of the bike and then pointed to the helmet.

He frowned his eyebrows in confusion and looked at her shaking his head. "What kind of nonsense was that?" He chuckled. "what's with the helmet?" He asked

"Take it off, I feel like I'm going to fall over every time I hold this thing" she sighed and poked him. She looked around and made sure no one was outside to see them. "I don't think a picture of you will be taken," she said, holding her hand up and making a thumbs up.

He looked around them to make sure himself and pulled his helmet off. "Is it heavy? You really think this is heavy?" He laughed pinching her cheek. He placed the helmet on his lap and held it there after he swung his leg and turned to her.

Areum glared at him, "Don't make fun of me" she said while pointing at him. She stepped closer to him and just looked at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close into a hug. "I wish you could be mine" she said softly.

"alright. I won't." He said chuckling. He kept his hands on the helmet and looked back into her eyes smiling. "I gotta go. If I'm grounded I won't be able to see you tomorrow." He giggled.

Areum pulled away and nodded. "Bye, drive safe" she said fixing her backpack straps. She waved and turned away to walk off. Thankfully, the guards at the security gate were asleep, like always, and they didn't see him.

He nodded and waved back before putting his helmet on. He made it home before it got late and went inside only to be met by his angry parents.

"Mingi. Tell me what's going on." His mother said.

"What?" 'did they find out?'

"Your aunt called. You had detention for two days now. And it's only the beginning of the week. We know you left detention. And we know you had two hours today. What is your problem!?" His father yelled. "You should be taking care of Hana instead of playing around!"

Mingi kept his head low. "And what's with the motorcycle!? What about your driver. What will he do?" His mother said more quietly.

"Now you care about the chauffeur more than-"

"You don't need that! You have a chauffeur and bodyguards. You have everything. Why would you get a motorcycle and go on your own?"

Mingi bit his lip then clenched his teeth. "Is there anything else you want to say? Because I need a shower." He said in a provoking manner.

And at that moment he felt a palm on his cheek.

"No! Honey..." His mother said trying to calm his bad tempered father down.

He went to his bedroom and saw Hana. He sighed deeply and looked at her for a few seconds. "What are you doing here?" He asked

She went towards him and placed a hand on his chest. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly only to be pushed away. "It's your fault we're here. You don't even love me. You're with me because of our parents and the money involved." He said pointing at her.

"Mingi." She said quietly as she felt her tears fall. "I love you..." She said crying out loud. 'You should be taking care of Hana.' he remembered. 'great. Now she'll probably tell my parents about Areum.' he sighed deeply and grabbed her shoulders. He pulled her closer and hugged her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He mumbled. She hugged him tightly and he felt his shirt getting a little wet.

Areum made it to her house and opened the door to see her mother and her friend, Mrs. Cho, that took a picture of her, sitting on the living room couch. She walked over to them and greeted them. "Mhm, Areum sit down, we need to talk to you" her mother said pointing to the living chair in front of them. She sat down and bit her lip out of nervousness. " be honest I saw you with that guy yesterday, and I showed your mom because he was built awfully a lot like the Song family's son" Mrs. Cho said while sipping on her drink. Her mother looked at her with eyes that looked like lasers were shooting out of it. Areum cleared her throat and shook her head, "I would never do anything with their son mom, you know this. And many people can be built like him- he's not the only boy in the world" she said turning to Mrs. Cho. "Now if you'll excuse me.. I'm going to go do my homework and mind my own business" she said running off to go upstairs.

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