Chapter Seven

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"no don't wait just lea-" he couldn't finish when he realized. He sighed and waved back at her. Mingi took his belongings and put them in his bag before putting it beside him. He leaned his head and back up of the wall again and closed his eyes feeling more sweat run down his forehead.

Areum waited for about eight minutes before going back to the room to check up on him. She looked through the glass and couldn't see much. "Um..Mingi? Song Mingi, breath if you can hear me" she said tapping on the glass. She then knocked on the door, pressing her ear against the door to try and hear something from him.

Mingi looked up at the door and groaned as he stood up holding onto the wall. He grabbed his bag and his keys then unlocked the door and stepped out looking at her with a weak smile. "Let's get out of here." He said grabbing her hand. He pulled her to the glass entrance of the school and grabbed the doorknob. His knuckles were red from earlier. "Damn it." He sighed. "It's locked I don't have the keys for it." He said turning to her. "We can't get through the windows either. The theft alarm will go off." He sighed.

Areum looked at him with a straight face. "Please...please tell me you're joking" she said squeezing his hand. After realizing he wasn't, she screamed and let go of him. "I just want to shower and get out of these clothes!" she yelled. She got closer to him and looked him straight in the eyes. "If I don't get out of here soon I will get up on the rooftop and jump Mingi, I will" she said holding onto his shoulders.

"hey.. you'll be alright." He said smiling holding onto her arms. "You can shower in the changing room next to the gym." He said letting go of her.

"Come on." He said taking her hand. He pulled her to the gym and stopped in front of the changing rooms. "Over there." He said. "Don't worry. No murders no homeless are coming for you." He smiled holding onto her shoulder. "Do you have your p.e clothes somewhere? You can change into that if you want." He smiled

Areum nodded and pointed in the girls changing room. "They're inside my locker in there" she let out a long sigh and checked her phone. "My phones dead, that's just great" she face palmed and then looked back at him. She stepped closer to him and slapped his face gently. "Stop smiling, you're pissing me off" she said while walking into the changing room.

His smile faded once he felt her slap. "Well... I deserved that. Since I was the one who brought us in this situation." He mumbled looking at her as she walked in. "I'll shower too." He said going to the boys changing room.

She took her clothes and a towel to go into the showers of the gym. The water was freezing cold, but she couldn't do anything about it. After getting out, she quickly dried herself off and then put on the shorts and the shirt. The shorts were a bit too short and tight. "What is wrong with this school" she thought to herself and shook her head. She put a towel behind her hair and walked out.

Mingi had already dried himself. He went out wearing his p.e clothes and saw her outside. "Feeling better?" He said almost smiling, but refrained from doing that. "By the way... What was that about?" He asked. "'I love you'" he said remembering her saying that when she left him in the dark room.

Areum looked at him and crossed her arms. "What? It's a movie reference. Don't get your hopes up sweetheart" she said with a chuckle. Areum continued to dry her hair with the towel and put the towel down on a table that was sitting on the side. "Hana seems like she sure loves you though, more than you do at least" she said looking at him.

This time his smile truly was gone. He turned around and sighed as he walked away. "We have to find a place to sleep. The medic room it is. It has four beds." He said continuing to walk. He had a girlfriend. He forgot about that.

Areum walked over to him to catch up and followed him. She got over to the clinic and walked inside. "I call this bed!" she said plopping down on the one closest to the left wall. She looked at him and put her phone and bag on the floor next to the bed.

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