Chapter One

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The Song family and the Kim family both have bad blood towards each other. No one knew exactly what sparked this intense relationship between them, but it's not to be brought up by others. The two families have been invited to a banquet for an upcoming auction for a charity. Areum has never once met the Song's, and has always been told to stay away from them. Although that was going to change when they were going to attend the banquet.

She was nervous and planned to stick with her family for the night. Unfortunately, she was running late from getting her makeup and hair done. After they finished her look, she walked out to see that her parents have already left and had another limousine drive her. It was already getting a tiny bit dark outside and very cold letting an eerie feeling travel through her body. 'I should've brought my jacket...' she thought to herself.

Mingi was sitting in the backseat of a car his parents made him drive in. But of course he wasn't the one driving. They made sure he didn't tag along in their car. They were convinced that if he came in his own car, he would make a better appearance and it would help him with his future reputation. The reputation and the future that THEY already had planned for him. Mingi on the other hand didn't care about appearance or even the banquet they were headed to. He just needed this to be over before it even started.

The car stopped outside the big building. Inside it was the chamber where everyone was supposed to be for the banquet. Mingi was told that he should stay away from the Kim family. Per usual. Just like he had always been told. He stepped out of the car and looked around himself while fixing his clothes that his mother made sure looked tidy.

Areum had arrived a tiny bit early, just enough time to find her parents and take her seat. There were assigned tables and the Kim's and Song's sat right next to each other. Areum had no idea what any of them looked like, so she roamed around, not paying that much attention. The faces that were staring at her were unfamiliar, maybe a few business executives and families she had recognized but that was it. It's undeniable how beautiful Areum was but, her personality was the problem. She was definitely not the nicest person ever and she didn't exactly care.

After a few minutes of walking around, she bumped into a taller guy and flinched. Looking up at him she scoffed and pushed him away with her arm. Finally, she found her parents and took a seat next to her mother. Patiently, she waited for the actual banquet to begin.

Mingi was walking around trying to avoid any human that would come his way. In case any of those humans were a member of the Kim family his parents had warned him about so many times. It was quite difficult to avoid everyone. Especially when there are so many, and when you bump into them. Mingi looked at the female who had bumped into him and opened his mouth to say something before he got to do that she was already gone. He rolled his eyes in disbelief before he turned around and walked toward her, but was grabbed by someone from behind. "Mingi." His mother smiled and began running her hand on his jacket to clean it more than it's already been cleaned back at home. "Let's go." His father said and glared at the people behind him who just happened to be the Kim family, but before Mingi could turn round himself and see what his father saw, he was pulled by his mother.

Areum's parents pointed in the direction of the Song family. She looked over to the side and stared at the guy she bumped into earlier. Shooting a glare at him she turned her head around and pretended that he didn't exist. It was way too loud in that venue and she needed a break from all of the ruckus. "I'm going to head out onto the balcony, I'll be back in a little bit" she told her mother and walked out. The lights from the city in the distance were shining bright. It was way too cold to be outside, but Areum stayed out anyway to avoid getting a headache.

Mingi and his parents were standing with the Kang's. It was a family he had known since he was born. They had a daughter whom his parents liked. They always told him to talk to her, but he never felt the need to. Because she would always be the one talking to him. Fortunately - or not - the daughter couldn't make it to the banquet. Mingi looked around himself trying to figure out who the Kim's were. If they were to be here, then they would be far away from his family. He tried to look out in the distance, but didn't seem to find anyone who wasn't friendly looking. Everyone was smiling and greeting one another. Just like his parents. He knew too well that his parents only cared for that family to have 'friends' to help them and their business. Mostly their business.

Areum took some pictures of herself outside and of the view. Heading inside, she felt like she was going to freeze if she was outside any longer. This time Areum paid attention to people in her way and avoided touching them. She dodged every jacket and dress in the way and made her way back to her parents. They were busy talking to other people, so she kept herself occupied with texting her friends. She didn't understand why she had to transfer to another private school, but she had to listen to her parents so she dealt with it. Luckily for her, she'll have a tour an hour earlier in the morning to look around the school guided by one of the students there.

Mingi sighed in relief when he saw his parents walk away from the Kang family. "Why are you still here? You should try finding some nice girl." His mother smiled. "I thought you had Hana prepared." He said looking at them.

"Don't be stupid. If the relationship with her doesn't work out then you should find someone else."

He looked at them in disbelief and shook his head. "Fine." He mumbled.

"Just stay away from the Kim's." His father said sharply.

"As if I would know who they are." He mumbled to himself as he walked around the hall unsure of where to go. He wasn't the type to walk up to someone and randomly start chatting. No. He stayed away from people. Like he had always been told to.

Areum's mother pestered her into socializing with other people there. "What do you mean? The only people here are old men and scary looking guys" she shivered and shook her head. Her mom ended up kicking her away from the table and she was left alone. There were multiple guys that tried to come up to her and get her number, but they all looked too old. She began walking around and looking at all of the girls there her age who had clothes from the last season. All Areum could do was laugh at them discreetly and continue walking. There was an array of different drinks in one area of the venue and she decided to stay hydrated and drink some water. Turning around, she suddenly spilled water all over her and the same tall guy from earlier. "You—!" she exclaimed and put down the glass, luckily the only people there were here,the male, and some security.

Mingi went to the array of drinks and reached his hand out to grab one, but it was too late. Before he could reach the drink, the drinks reached him.

He gasped at the amount that had been spilled on his expensive suit and looked up at the girl who happened to be the same girl from earlier. "You do realize that you've just ruined an expensive suit right?" He asked looking down at her with sharp eyes. He sighed and saw that he wasn't the only one who had gotten wet. He grabbed some tissues from the table. He wiped his stained clothes and grabbed more tissues to dry it completely before grabbing his phone.

"Sir?" The voice on the other side of the phone said.

"I need a new suit. Bring it to me as soon as possible. I'll be waiting in the rooms upstairs. Room 4." He said then hung up and gave her a glare before walking away

Areum didn't have time to argue with the guy and went to her mother. After informing her about what happened, she had someone help her dry off upstairs. "I'm telling you it was custom made and if I don't get it cleaned correctly you and all of your staff will be fired!" she yelled, the whole floor on the second level could hear her. She got everything retouched and finished. It looked exactly as it was earlier and she left the room, stomping out. Taking out her clutch bag, she took out her hand mirror and looked over her makeup to see if anything was messed up. She saw the same guy and gave him a not so friendly look, then went back downstairs to her mother. The staff there had been passing out food, but she lost her appetite over the incident earlier.

Mingi stepped into the bedroom and got himself a shower before he changed his clothes that were brought to him. He sighed deeply looking at himself in the mirror as the female workers fixed his outfit.

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