Golden Child is so underrated

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I might need to stop with these underrated groups like bruhhh.

Okay, I just watched A-Teen not too long ago after I exit YouTube and come here to write this for you guys. I'm at season 2 right now and there's a new guy called Ryu Jooha and he's so attractive like omg and our golden player aka HaMin decided to told him to back off when he noticed that he's tryna flirt with Do Hana LIKE OMG YES BOIII YOURE MY SECOND FAV CHARACTER IN HERE FOR DOING THAT.

So, I went to comment section as usual only to find that he is indeed Choi Bo Min and my mind was shook. So yeb, my usual routine is staking the group and let me tell you, I fell in love with the new group I discovered from the damn drama again.

Why is life making me so ugly but yet those idols so beautiful?

I go on a full staking mode and OML HOW I WASNT WRONG.

I sound like a creepy stalker right now ew.

I listened to one of their song and I constantly jamming to it for like 10 minutes because I'm that type of dumbass who will jamming to every unknown music. It was an amazing experience I'm not gonna lie and please support them and our delicate and golden boi aka Choi Bo Min.

I have new quote to save the day, once again:

"It's a curse day, the bus driver may, kick them out of the bus" - me to the dumb rat when we were taking and gossiping about people in her school (mean girl's theme song)

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