Axwell /\ Ingrosso needs more appreciations

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So as you know, I listened to weird pop music and alternative musics. They sound really addictive and the meaning behind those really made me moving and thinking what I should do with my life.

But Axwell /\ Ingrosso isn't one of those.

They're EDM.

(Why am i gotta be so extra with every phrases I use in here?)

I would say that I sort of dislike EDM music, they sound annoying and especially the chainsmokers. I hate how the productions always sound the same and not be able to make me dance, moving my hips and jamming to the songs whenever I'm in a mood to party or whatever you call 'wild'. But the band that I'm taking about is different.

Not like 'iM nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs!1!1!1' phenomenal like that.

I'm kind of a stone to things out there and I barely take times to actually become interested in something. But this band caught my attention with their music style and honestly, if you are into 80s/90s aesthetic EDM music or just 80s-90s happy upbeat sort of music in general then this band is for you.

They are just in the industry more than 5 years but not as long as MØ and I'm quite surprised that this band didn't blow up yet. Honestly, their production is refreshing and as somebody who's struggling with social anxiety (explains why I'm suck at socializing with people in general and may seems weird, awkward and creepy at first) I found their music to be really comforting and I love putting dawn whenever I need to go back to school after school breaks. It helps calming down my unnecessary nerves a lot and my anxiety would have gotten out of hands if it wasn't for their music.

They made an album and I honestly love it and if you wonder which song of them I talked about, it's Dawn by them. You're welcome to the fandom, everybody. I'll send you a big hug from here <3


'You are just another loss of air to this planet!' - me

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