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Disclaimer: Excuse me for Cara's gifs, I love her a lot. And yes, I know it's not related to the topic BUT CANT YOU LET MY DELEVINGNER ASS BE ALIVE FOR A MINUTE

Also, this is not a hate rant to them but read it to know what I'm talking about. This is might the longest that I rant about something or people like that.

Okay, let's get into the topic.

When I'm step back into k-pop world this year after disappeared from the community with no actual reason (noh, I was addicted to Hollywood and still is), the first thing that popping up in my feed are blackpink videos, whether it's memes, collab with pop artists or crack videos of them. And honestly I think they are a great girl group with good management (I hope the production won't ruin the group) but the problem is whenever I watched their dances, I noticed the routines are overused. No offense to the group. They are being trained really hard and they are working hard for us though but it just that they need a new dances routine. It's getting boring for me to watch.

Also, I'm seriously really concerned about Jennie a lot. She's the one that mostly got backlash and I believed she struggles with depression. In Asian culture, depression is being taken so lightly and mostly in Korea that they don't really take care of their healths. At least where I lived that almost everybody I know have them (I'm Asian but I'm not Chinese or anything) and it seriously offended me considering I'm actually suffering from both depression and anxiety. But mainly anxiety that have most affect on me. I'm scared of everything so easily and I'm hella paranoid sometimes. It's difficult. And I saw some videos of Jennie that she gives me this sad and creepy vibe at the same time. And while performing, I can see that she's not doing fine and I hope she's getting help soon. But she seems a lot better but still, depression will not immediately gone, it'll come and go like waves.

And lastly, the stan or 'fans' themselves. I'm not saying this to offended who are actually a genuine fan and won't bash or make them feel uncomfortable though, but sometimes they bring other artists or group down to praise them up. Like I see no differences in Korean girl groups not gonna lie.

So, first things first that I wanna talk about is how some fans can be extremely toxic. You see, there's these random girls or even guys who are blinks and have Jisoo/Jennie/Lisa/Rosé in their profile pictures on Twitter (where you mostly can see those toxic fans) And then they go around and bring others down like I mentioned earlier and some of them go even around and actually have unnecessary fight with another fan from another fandoms. LIKE WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? Just because that they are disagree on something you truly believed in doesn't make them a bad person or they are delusional and needs a reality check, whatsoever.

Some fans are so annoying like I get it, you're a blink because you either have one of the member from the group as your profile picture but they go around and constantly will promote blackpink related stuff even though the videos or articles are about Hollywood stars "Tyler Posey just recently engaged to Sophia Ali" (please screenshot this, it might actually happening) and then they go and like "oMg, wE hAvE mOrE iMpOrTaNt ThInGs In ThE wOrLd. Bp JuSt ReLeAsE a NeW sOnG!1!1!1!" Keep it to yourself, pretty please. Just repeat it after me, just streaming it countless time, in that 24 hours, don't eat, don't sleep, don't shower and don't brush your teeth because that's what I do with Avril. It gives people a bad vibes and no wonder why people always hating on popular groups. It's because of fans like that.

Lastly, the 'fans' who mainly make them feel uncomfortable. So Jennie just posted a picture of her in a bikini with a caption 'and that's all you got' and then a person commented something sexual and she took it down. The craziest part the comment actually have over 1.7k likes like ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHERE DID HUMAN MORALITY AND RESPECT GO? DOWN THE MF TOILET?
I was hella pissed about it because she can do whatever she wants with her social media account and her body, not your damn decision to disrespect her as long as she doesn't hurt you. It's also gives people who wants to join the fandom and people outside of it bad vibes and it portrayed blinks terribly like not all of them are bad, it's just 4% of them that making this whole thing a complete mess. And others would also think that blinks are perverted and that's why as I said that people hating on the group. So please, don't embarrass yourself and the fandom. We should respect people and our idols because they are humans too.

I like their music and their concept but I think people need to digging further to help them and also fix some of these issues that me, myself found personally irritating, especially with the management. I hope that they get some more freedoms in the future.

So that's the longest rant ever and I hope you enjoyed it.

Roly Poly | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang