3. Silence of the swollen lip

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Previously: You slid your hand into Steve's hair. He pulled you in more as if this is what he's been wanting for the longest time.
"NANCY" you said as you quickly snapped back into reality.
Steve looked at you worried as you pushed him off.
"Steve what!" You said in shock of what just happened.
"I'm so sorry y/n" he said standing up.
"This can never happen again oh my god what are we going to do what if she finds out!" You said as u then stood up an started passing around your room.
"Y/n I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking. I was down and you were there an I just thought-" Steve couldn't even finish what he was saying.
He ran his fingers through his hair as he thought for a minute.
"Listen I'm really sorry can we please just act like that never happened." He said.
You stood in the corner looking out your window thinking. It feels like your heart had been shattered into a million pieces as you couldn't believe what just happened. Steve has know idea that you've had a crush on him sense the second grade or that this was you very ever first kiss with a boy an you wasted it on not only a guy who was your best friend but a guy who's your best friend an has a girlfriend!
"Y/n please say something" he said placing a hand on your shoulder.
"It's fine will pretend this never happened ever." You said still looking out the window.
You could see how disappointed in himself he looked through his reflection in the window.
"Y/n I-" he was cut off to the view of head lights pulling into the driveway as you turned around to him as both of your faces dropped you pushed Steve over to the window he climbed into.

Soon the garage door was opens as your mom pulled in Steve finally got out an landed onto the grass. He looked up at you as u shut the window an closed the blinds as if he wasn't there.

Seconds later your mom came into your room "hey honey!" She said in a sweet voice. You guys talked a little bit an when she started leave she poked her head back in.
"Oh honey by the way I got a call from your principal she said she wants to see you as soon as possible. I'm not to worried about it sense I know your such a great kid." She winked an closed the door.

The next day you woke up still in shock and worry. You wondered what would happen is Nancy was to find out or what is going to happen between you and Steve now. Why the hell your principal needed to see you. Lastly you were mad at yourself, as much as you were mad at Steve for kissing you, you were angry for wanting to feel his lips on yours again. You were mad how you much you liked it even though it was so wrong.
You decided to skip breakfast this morning Because of how nervous you were. Looking up at the clock you had three minutes until steve would be here. Your mom came down the stairs
"wow your running early today" you replied with a simple yet nervous "yep!" When then the honking started. Steve was early today as well.

"Bye mom" you said heading out the door. Every step you took closer to the car your stomach dropped more.
"Hey" you said buckiling up.
"Hey" Steve replied he seemed nervous too. It was silent for awhile. Plenty of tension in the air. You wished you could get out the car so bad because there was still a good 15 minutes away from the school.
"Listen I'm sorry about yesterday that was weird wasn't it?" He laughed pulling out the drive way.

"What are you talking about Steve?" You asked as serious as possible.

"Right answer" he laughed nervously.

You did probably the best option there was which was turning up the radio. You could tell Steve looked at you in the corner of your eye. He looked back. Then back at you. He pulled into the parking lot the camero was already there.

You got out of the car and ran up to the school into the office.
"How can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked you.
"Uh... Mrs.philps called an said she wanted to see me today." You said crossing one leg over the other.
"Ah yes just go ahead down the hall to the right" she pointed down the hall.
Walking down the hall scared of what could possibly happen. What is it that would make you be called up here. Was it because you were talking to Billy an got called out for it? No it can't be. You knocked of the door an was told it's open you come in an see your principle an sit in the seat across from her.
"Hello y/n y/l" she said pulling her glasses down. "Uh hi"
she laughed. "y/n your not in trouble honey I just had to tell you that you still need to get this gym class out of the way or you can't graduate the end of this school year."
You shook your head. "Oh okay what can I do" you asked awkwardly.
"Well we're not that far into the school year almost half way through first semester so I'll give you the opportunity to drop out of art second period an just finish the rest of the semester with gym an get full credit or just start 2nd semester?" She asked.
"Oh that's awesome thanks you! I'll just start now why not thank you so much"

It was now time to head to your new period which was gym you were kinda late because you had to go talk to you art teacher about the situation she understood.

As soon as the doors opens you see all the eyes of the sweaty boys look over at you. Looking around seeing all the girls in there just up on the bleachers. Out of the sweaty boys Billy was the one who caught your eyes the most. An you sure did have his attention as he soon got the ball stolen from him.

You see Steve come running in yelling a lame excuse on why he was late.
After your talk with the coaches on why your there they just said you have to walk 4 laps around the gym an the join in with the guys or sit on the bleachers an watch.
You started your walk an feel the heat wave of a sweaty billy Hargrove.

"Hey y/n what you doing in here?" He asked dribbling the ball all the guys in the back rolling there eyes an moaning for the ball back.

"Aye Hargrove! The ball!" One shouted.
Billy looked back an gave him a look the guy seemed scared an turned around.

"Anyway... I've been here this whole time." You joked.

"I see, you started showing up now that I'm here?" He chuckled an u nudged him giggling you look up to see Steve staring you down.

"So I have a question?" He said.

"I have an answer." U said looking up at him.

"Billy, the ball get back here!" Steve yelled.

"Hold on Watch this" he said dribbling the ball back with the guys an running up an dunking right on Steve.

You laughed as you saw Steve with his pissed face. Steve looked at you then back to the game.
You finished your laps an sat watching them play. Steve was always the most handsome man to you but as soon as you put him next to Billy he doesn't stand a chance.

You were surprised to see Steve getting crushed by Billy. Steve was dribbling an billy got all on him. You couldn't quite read what Billy said to Steve but he looked really mad an pushed Billy. Billy pushed up his chest as he walked closer but the teacher soon stepped in an made Steve sit out.

Steve started walking over an you waved but he just looked down. He sat on the lowest bench instead of up with you. "Pshhh Steve!" You whisper knowing he could hear you but he didn't turn around.

You scouted down towards him an suddenly a ball flew in the bleachers as billy came running up right next to you.
"So tonight at scoops what do you say?" He asked confidently.

"It's a school night?" You said looking at him.

"So? I'll pick you up at 7" he threw the basketball back at the boys. Leaning back.

"Alright" you laughed

"alright?" He questioned with a cocky smile.

"Yep see you later " you waved as he ran down the bleachers back on the court doing another trick shot. "Man he's good" you said finally sitting next to Steve.

"Your not actually going on a date with him tonight are you?" Steve asked.

You gave him a confused look  "you heard it yourself I am, why not? What's the worst that can happen?"

"He's a player y/l, he's definitely just going to try and get into your pants" he said.

"So how is any of that your business?" You ask scrunching up your noes.

"I just got want you to get hurt!" Steve said.

You pushed Steve as the bell rang an you speed walked out of there to your next class lucky you. Steve sat right next to you in that class an today You don't really think I'll be able to focus on the board that well.

You got to your next class an billy followed. He turned his seat around to talk to you until the bell rung. Steve was never late to this period but I guess today he was.

Billy then turned back around as Steve walked in with his lip looking swollen an small fresh cut on one side of it. As he walked in Billy laughed. Steve just sat there didn't look or talk to you it was weird.

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