16. In for trouble

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Previously: I think you all know what happened previously.

You noticed Billy was getting close and you kept bouncing up and down.

"Your doing so good baby fuck." Billy grunts as you feel his dick twitch inside you and he sped up and then let out a big sigh and slowing down his pace and laying his head on you and you slowly kept bouncing up and down and you both went in for a kiss and Billy helped find your shorts and put them back on.

"That was so good I feel like I'm about to fall asleep." You said as Billy smiled and kissed your forehead.

"What the hell are you two doing!" A teacher said slamming his hand on the hood of the car.

You and Billy both looked at eachother eyes widened and fear struck through you.

"Get dressed and out of this car this instant!" The teacher said and Billy held onto you.

"We could just dive off" Billy said to you.

"No that would get us in more trouble than we're about to be!" You said quickly throwing your clothes back on and still covering Billy so he could get dressed.

"I swear I'm going to quit my job if I catch one more pair of horny teens going at it out here." The teacher continued on and on as you were shaking in fear of what the teacher might do to you and Billy.

"Listen I'll cut this short I'll just say I caught you two skipping and you'll both have two hours of detention but not on the same days sense who know what you to might do in there. Disgusting" he said writing down on a piece of paper and handing you one then one for Billy.

"Yes sir." You said.

"Yeah yeah you kids follow me." He said as you and Billy followed him into the front office.

"Caught these two skipping in the parking lot two hour detention each." The front office people and the teacher continued to talk.

You felt a sense of relief that this was the only punishment just a two hour detention and it's not like you ever had one before. You looked over at Billy who held a blank stare.

"Are you okay?" You whispered.

Billy sat with a blank stare he looked as if the world was falling apart.

"Billy it's just a two hour detention." You said holding his hand.

"It's not just that y/n. There going to call our parents and I'll be fucked." He said still holding his blank stare with no emotions.

"Alright Billy Hargrove here's your slip back to class your detention will be today after school and y/n y/l here's your slip you two back to class and if I catch you two again I'll make the rest of this school year a lot more miserable." He joked and Billy just walked out.

The rest of the day was boring as Billy was in this off mood the rest of the day leading your mind into a spiral of emotions

When the last bell of the day run Billy still walked you to your car but not saying much. As you got in you saw his face drop as he walked back into the school for his detention.

Pulling into your driveway. Looking in the rear view mirror you saw a bunch of kids storming out of Steve's car and recognizing a few you used to babysit.

Maybe Baby (Billy Hargrove X Reader ) ( Steve Harrington X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now