19. Bloody

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Previously: "I'll be there!" He said and you hung up the phone heading back to your room.

Mom came home and you helped unpack groceries. Then went back to your room trying on different outfits not know what to wear sense the place was somewhat nice but you didn't want to come off as a date.

Time went by a soon enough steve was there knocking at your door.

"Oh honey it's great to see you again!!" Your mom said opening the door and giving him a big hug as he looked up at you.

You couldn't help but somewhat admire.

Walking out to your cars you both stood between both cars.

"Well which one should we take?" Steve asked leaning against his.

"You drive!" You said as he opened your door and then walked to his side.

Sitting in his car feeling a bit awkward you looked over and saw he looked as if he felt awkward too.

"This feels nice." He said pulling out the driveway.

"What?" You asked.

"Driving you around again." He said looking over at you.

"Haha yeah." You said turning the music up a little.

You guys got to the restaurant and headed inside and were seated immediately in a booth by the window.

"Well what's new with you?" You asked getting comfortable in your seat.

"Well I got a job, not going to say where but it pays well." He said.

"Well now you have to tell me come on please!!" You begged as he shook his head and rested his elbow on the table.

"Scoops." He said looking down.

"No way the place you have to dress like a little sailor boy! You laughed.

"Shut up I know." He laughed.

"How's Billy?" He asked.

"He's good, he asked me to prom last night." You sighed.

"You don't sound that excited about it." He said looking at you.

"Well I am but I mean he hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend or even introduced me to his parents. Like what if it's because he has a whole other girlfriend or something or he's embarrassed of me. Am I not pretty enough?" You said after somewhat ranting.

"(Y/n) you are definitely pretty enough. Your the prettiest girl here in Hawkins. As for Billy he's a dick but maybe he hasn't asked because he feels he might not have to ask. I mean everyone in Hawkins is well aware that you guys are and item." He said and you looked back up at him.

"Thanks Steve." You said.

You both talked and caught up on everything while you ate. You missed Steve so much and it was so great talking to him as a completely platonic friendship. Until it came time he was dropping you off.

"Bye Steve!" You said getting out of the car and walking inside.

On the counter you saw another note saying. "Sorry honey! Work trip again! Hope your date "catch up" with Steve went good I'll see you in a week. -love mom."

Rolling your eyes you grabbed the remote and sat on the couch. Seeing headlights still in your driveway and then turned off as well as the sound of the engine.

Knocking at your door appeared and you already knew who it was.

"What?" You said as Steve stood.

"Well you forgot this." Steve pulled out the keys to your car.

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