Part 16: Being Hunted by the CCG

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Kaniya Ken


Kaneki Ken



Liu Woods

Jeff Woods

Ben Drowned

Now that I am Human I basically don't need my mask. I went to Uta's shop "Uta-san I dont need my mask so I am returning it. "Hello Kaniya" then he walked closer to me and smelled me. "I heard you are a human again but you smell... like  ghoul. Interesting. So why do you need to return it? I like your eyebrow and mouth peircing though, Kaniya." 

"I am no longer a ghoul so I do not need a mask. I can kill a investigator and I dont care if I get hunted by the CCG. "  "Kaniya not to be like Tsukiyama, but I seem to like this new look and your new way of talking. I especially like your peircings. How about I get you a neck tattoo?" "Fine." I answered.

He took me to a ghoul tattoo parlor. Because of my ghoul scent I was interperated as a ghoul. I wanted a simple neck tattoo like uta. His tattoo means 'I can neither live with you nor without you"

The ghoul introduced herself "Ohayo. My nane is Utasuna what tattoo would you like?" she wore a white tank top and showed her chest tattoos and her arm tattoos. She gave me a neck tattoo that said 'I am blindly seeing everything go pass by me'. She wrote it in some way that was like uta's.

"Okay so that is that. Would you like to pay with cash or body?"   "Body?"   "L.O.L. I was just kidding cash it is."

                           [Uta's POV]

Suddenly while I was walking back to my store with Kaniya, I felt something. I felt an interest in him. Like the interest I have with Kaneki. But, different.

                         [Kaniya's POV]

The next day the Doves came to me. They were searching for my quinque because in my battle with the S ranked ghoul they saw how powerful my quinque was. "Where is your quinque the CCG is looking for it. "

"Fight me and you might find it." I pulled out a dagger and ran to the three investigators. They pulled out their quinques which was swords. One swinged but I blocked then cut the investigator's shoulder. I had a chance to slice his neck but I chose a different route. The investigator dropped his quinque and put his hand to his shoulder. He fell to the ground. "You are a weak investigator. Sucks that I will kill you."

The other two investigators attacked together. I ended up killing them first. "Do you have a family? A wife and kids?"   "Yeah but why?"  "You have a family to protect so I wont kill you. But make sure to protect your family." I said, then I walked away like nothing happened. The investigator got up and picked up his quinque.

"DONT PITY ME YOU FUCKER!!" the investigator was enraged. He swinged with all his strength I blocked it then I sliced his right hand off. "Aaargh. MY HAND!!! YOU FUCKING CUT OFF MY HAND!!!"   "You should have walked away alive but.. I choose to kill you now." I put my thumb over my index finger and pressed down. I cracked my finger then I shanked his face. He died instantly.

After that fight I think people will be after me and my quinque. 

I soon later went home and wen I opened the door I felt a bit hungry. When Touka looked at my face when I walked in she blushed and tried to hide it from me. "A cup of coffee and a... sandwich is fine." 

Nishiki walked to my table,put my meal in front of me and sat down. "Kaniya."  he said. Before I took a bite I looked at him and said "Yes?" "Is it true what Kaneki said? That you are human?"  I put the sandwich on my plate.

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