Part 5:Cling To Be Sane

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After I won against Angel the warden grew an interest for me, so he ordered me to go to his office. He was smiling deeply when we were talking in his office. He told me to stay "insane" since he knew I would be weak. He was trying to give me advice which I didn't understand.

One thing is for sure I cannot let that voice in my head take over my body each fight. The next day I was to fight. I was supposed to fight "Shield" whose real name was Ashisai Sudasa he was a S ranked ghoul. I started to have bad vibes about fighting him, I knew that if I lose I die but, how can I win against an S ranked ghoul? "Ya scared kid? " He said as he snickered at me.

The announcer beginned the match before I can say anything, but I had to put away my fear and fight. I ran to him trying to punch him, he easily counter-attacked me and tripped me. The voice in my head was saying "insanity" and kept repeating it. But I wont let it take control like it did last time "rrraaaww!" I yelled as I ran at him I swinged my fist,missed but then I kicked him after I missed but he blocked it and headbutted me. "Tch. Easy" he said.

A huge psychotic smile grew on my face "This will be very fun!" I said as I lost my sanity. "No!" I said the insanity fought for my body, it was no use. It took control, I ran at him in full sprint with fists clenched I punched him but he blocked his chest with his arms but when he blocked it, my punch made him flew backwards by 5 feet. He smirked at me and said "Time to use my full power".

His kagune grew from his back, his kagune was huge tentacle parts. The tentacles wrapped around his body like armor and the sharpest tentacle wrapped his arm and is can be used like a sword. He ran at me and swinged his arm at me but all his attacks were evaded but then I could take control of my body again. He smiled then ran to me and tried to slice me in half so I ducked and he ended slicing the pillar behind me.

I tried running away but he chased after me and midway while I was running the insanity took control again and I turned my head upsidedown to my back and said "You're weak you know","You fucking brat!" he said, he lept into the air and jumped on me but two spine bones grew from my back and wrapped around my legs and while he was in the air I jumped up and kicked him straight in the face.

He crashed to the ground and while he was lying there I dive kicked him and he yelled "Aahhh!! Fucking brat!","Now tell me the truth am I the brat?" I said with a smile. "What?" One of my spine bones peirced his back "Uuuuaaah!!". "Answer me who is the brat?!" he huffed and huffed so I pierced his back again with my spine bone.

"You.. Y-You are the brat" he said in fear. I smiled more deep and said "Wrong." Then the spine bones wrapped around my arm and made the drill bone. "You were wrong, so now I will kill you." I said, Kirito came up and yelled "KANIYA DONT DO IT!!".Me hearing his voice made my sanity take control again.

I looked at Kirito and said "K-Kirito?"."KANIYA DONT KILL HIM YOU'RE NOT A KILLER!" He screamed. "You're right" I said. "I won't kill you. The investigators will".

((I hope you enjoyed part 5 part 6 will come soon :D))

Kaniya Ken (Tokyo Ghoul Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora