Part 10:Meeting

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As I was walking in public to drink cannibal ghouls to return to being ghoul I've been hearing about a murderer named Jeff. They say he came from america and is now on the streets of Tokyo.

"Hey did you hear that guy Jeff?" someone asked. "Yeah I heard he climbed the window of someone's house and killed this person who was sleeping" "I hope he doesnt kill me!" the person commented.

I wasnt able to find cannibal ghouls so I went straight home. When I came home Kaneki was on the internet reading about the killer. "They say that this Jeff guy is from america. He has not been caught once and has murdered a high amount of people. He climbs their window and gets into their room."

"Now its midnight go to sleep" Kaneki commanded me. "Okay mom" I replied. We went to bed and I woke up at 1:00 in the morning and the window was open. "That's weird I remember it was closed" I went to the window and closed it. Then I tried to go back to bed. Then before I got back on my bed I heard something. "Come out now!" Kaneki woke up as I said that.

"Shit. You found me" A mysterious voice said. The figure came out of the shadow and showed its face. "Hey who the hell are you?" Kaneki asked as he got out of bed. "My name is Jeff. Jeff the Killer." "You're that trash that murders people huh?" Kaneki said.

"Hey. Hey dont be so rude." He said with a smile. His face has a very interesting look. He has a smile that is carved and his eyes were so wide and they never blinked once.

I pulled out my kagune and attacked him. He pulled out a knife from his pocket in his hoodie. He used it to block my kagune and said "What the that?!" He swinged his knife at my face but I managed to grab his hand. "You're good." he said.

I tried to attack him with my kagune again but he jumped over it and landed on it. He ran on top of it and tried to slice my head off. My other kagune bone protected my head and blocked hus swing. "Damn. This is just like when I fought Slendy." I managed to grab him with my kagune and throw him out the window.

Kaneki and I jumped out the window and chased after him. But then a tall figure came in front of us with two shorter figures next to it "That's enough, Jeffrey!" the tall man said. "Aww come on Slendy let him have the fun I mean he complained the entire way getting here!" the boy who said it has a muzzled voice like he was wearing a mask while saying it. "Toby we have no time for that."

The tall man said. The tall man had no face, was wearing a long black suit, and there was a person mimicking what he did, what he said. "Hey you tall man,why is that ghoul mimicking you?" 

"Hahaha wait.. You think that Masky here is a Ghoul? He cant even fight like a human!" said Jeff who was mocking Masky. "Jeffrey I said thats enough of your talking! I told you to retrieve them not murder them. When can you follow direct orders?!" "When I can do whatever the hell I want!" Jeff quickly replied.

The boy wgo was wearing a mask over his mouth and goggles walked up to us and said "Hi my name's Toby. Unlike Jeff over there I followed Slendy's direct orders and introduced myself." "Well that's nice goody-two shoes I totally give a shit." Jeff said as he was looking at the sky and building around us. "Wow these buildings are better than the ones we have back in America" 

"Yeah um its nice meeting you four but me and Kaniya need to sleep so talk again later in the afternoon. "  "I see we deeply apologize for what Jeffrey has done and we hope you sleep well. Jeffrey do not disturb them while they're resting!"  "Whatever boss." 

Hope you enjoyed Part 10 I put in creepypasta characters just for the fun of it and see you in part 11 :D ((Spoiler:Part 11 will introduce more creepypasta characters))

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