Part 11:Jeff The Killer vs Juuzou Suzuya

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Kaneki, Tsukiyama, Banjou, and I went to see Slender Man's mansion which was apparently in Tokyo. There was this Man with a blue Mask and a hood over his head. His mask had no eyes and it was black blood coming from it's eyes. He had escorted us to the mansion but before he escorted us everyone had to wear their clothes for battle.

"Ok but keep your masks off until battle" Kaneki commanded. I put my mask on the right side of my face and it covered my ear completely. "Welcome we hope you enjoy being here you four." Slender man said. "Ok but can you gather everyone here because I would like to make a propossal"

"Yes Kaneki is right please retrieve everyone and bring them here monseir" Tsukiyama rephrased. It took about 30 minutes for everyone to sit down. Everyone was waiting for Jeff. Eyeless Jack,Slender Man, Masky, Toby, Sally and Us were waiting for Jeff to come.

When he finally came he was covered in blood. "Sorry I'm late guys this lady really needed to sleep" "There is no excuses Jeffrey you came late because you think that you can do whatever your heart desires! You cannot follow my orders can you?!"  "Whoa chill dude chill at least I came damn." he said while looking out the window with his hands in his pocket.

"Okay so now that everyone is here my propossal is that we should form an alliance." Kaneki explained. "If you need us we can help but as well if we need your help we will come to you."  "That sounds good" Masky commented. "What?! No it doesnt! They are just wanting us for their own selfish reasons!" Jeff yelled as he got out of his seat.

I got out of my seat and said "Really? Why do you have that hoodie? Why do you have that knife? We all are selfish. We do what we need to be strong in this world. If it neans to be selfish if so do it. If it means to kill those close to you so do it."  He had nothing else to say.

"Then it is settled we now have an aliance formed. We hope to work with you soon. Please Eyeless Jack, escort them back to their homes." See you around!" Sally said. 

So Eyeless Jack brought us back to our house. He didnt talk at all during the trip back.            

                     [Tsukiyama's POV]

I must take Kaniya for myself. Since Kaneki is definite no I must take charges and have Kaniya for myself. I went to my home and got chains. I then went to my place where I announce my meals.

                       [Kaniya's POV]

I was furious so I went to Tsukiyama's auditorium. I went to suck the blood of cannibal ghouls to become ghoul again. Then I was furious so I sucked the blood of almost every cannibal ghoul. Then I was a ghoul again. But I wasnt normal I went insane. A kagune grew from my back and it looked like a centipede skeletons. Somehow it covered the right side of my face.

"TIME TO FEAST ON YOU WEAKLINGS!!" I instantly ran at the crowd of ghouls. Then the second I knew it I was killing ghouls with my kagune. Then the doves came. "This is the ghoul known as Bones?" Amon said. "He is the brother of the other one-eyed ghoul. " a dove said. He pulled out his quinque. Then I said "GET OUT OF MY WAY RRRUUUAAGGGHH!!!!!" I ran in full sprint like a vampire.

Attacked with my kagune relentlessly Amon blocked it and swinged his quinque, direct hit to the shoulder. Then I attacked with my kagune again. Direct peirce through his shoulder. I remember. Kaneki told ne if I ate a huge amount of ghouls my kagune would sort of change.

"I get it..." a large smile grew from my face. Then I was intrrrupted by the investigators behind Amon getting killed.

It was Jeff... "Well well looks like the pokice is here." He pulled a knife from his pocket in his hoodie and ran at Amon. He swinged his knife hoping for a decapitation but was intercepted by Akira.

"Wow why do people keep ruining the blood" 

                            [Jeff's POV]

I tired to attack the girl and yet another person came. It was a person holding a huge sythe. "Ahhh the was fun lets keep going" "Okay!" i said. He was smiling just like me.

We ran at each other and swinged our blades. I swinged my knife he doged it then I threw it. It hit him directly in the stomach. "Aw dang it I was the first one to have my blood showing first oh well but in the end of this battle my insides wont spill!" "What the Fuck?" I then grabbed two knives and attacked.

He used his sythe to block my attack. Then I swinged my left arm and I cut him right below the neck then he used his sythe and peirced straight through my stomach I vomitted quite a bit of blood but I dont care I enjoy this. At this time Kaniya had fled.

But thats a good thing so he wont get in the way of my show!  I grabbed a third knife and put it on my mouth. I used it to chuck it to Juuzou but he blocked. "Okay this long ranged fighting is boring" he said

Then he jumped in the air towards me and said "Dont THINK BADLY OF ME!" He swinged his sythe upside down and I blocked it then he quicly grabbed a blade from his jacket and hit it directly on my chest. I fell to the floor and said "Fuck I should have seen that coming! But niws not the time for sleeping THIS IS FUN!"

I quickly got up and sprinted at him. I swinged my right arm slice through the chest down. Then my left arm and sliced his right arm down. "HAHAHAHA!!" I laughed and then I ran at him one more time. But I was interupted by Toby. He pulled out one of his hatchets and blocked my knives before I was about to attack Juuzou again.

"TOBY YOU FUCKING DUMBASS WHY WOULD YOU BLOCK ME?!?! WHY ARE PEOPLE SUCH ASSHOLES AND STOPPING ME FROM WHAT I FUCKING WANT?!?! " "Juuzou, Akira lets go this man has stopped The psycho." Amon said. "Times up Jeff, Slendy wants you now. "God dammit again?" "again." Toby replied.

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