• Chapter 9 •

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I don't know how long it has been, but I'm pretty sure I have been on this bathroom floor for about 20 minutes trying to get my breathing under control.

I open my eyes slowly and see the floor spinning, I close them again quickly sighing.

I start to rest my head against the floor when I hear the click clack of high heels outside the bathroom door. I start to stress, I quickly slide myself against the floor into the closest cubicle.

I groan in pain, my body killing me with every centimetre I make. My breathing which had only just slowed down became rapid and harsh again. I lift my hand and clos the door behind me, slumping on the ground just as someone walks into the bathroom.

"I can't believe that slut Renée thinks she can get in with Daniel!" I hear Charlie tell one of her friends.

"Well he would never go for her anyway" her side friend remarks. I don't know why, but it hurts to hear that, which makes me even more angry.

"Oh and don't get me started about her brother! He is such a jerk!" Charlie exclaims. I stifle a laugh as I remember when Logan dropped her.

"It's not that you liked him anyway." Her friend again remarks.

"Of course not, I was just bored." Charlie sighs then turns on the tap.

I start to seethe with anger, I'm so sick of her childish ways.  I clench my fist to hold back the flow of swear words from coming out.

"But I have to say, her blue mustang is pretty dam awesome, I'll have to thank Mr. Watson for the good bargain." Charlie giggles turning off the tap and walking out of the bathroom.

"That bitch!" I manage to struggle out of my burning throat.

For the first time since I initially landed on the bathroom floor I decide to have a look at my body. I push myself up into a sitting position against the door and gaze down.

Speeachless. I have no words to describe what I see.

I glance at my arm and hold it towards my face. Coursing through my veins is a metallic purple liquid.

I blink once.

Then twice.

I look down at my arm and still it is there.

I move my finger towards one of my freak veins, and just before I touch it, it disappears. I glance at my other arm and my legs to see if it's gone there too, and it is.

I shake my head in confusion.

What is happening to me? I just want to crawl into a cupboard and never come out.


I let out a big breath and decide I should get back to class and put this all behind me. I slowly start to stand, expecting the pain and the cracking to come back, but my body feels perfectly fine.

I grimace as I stand up completly, my legs numb from sitting so long. My phone vibrates again,my heart jumps, not wanting it to be another frightening text.

Park: Where are you Renée? I can't wait forever.

Me: I'm coming, was in bathroom.

I quickly unlock my cubicle and rush back to my locker to collect my bag then run towards the carpark where I'm sure Daniel is waiting. I see his car straight away and prepare my self to get yelled at for taking my time.

"That was fast Watson." Daniel comments when I jump into his car like a mad man. I frown in return.

"Fast? I took like 8 minurtes to get here?" I reply raising my eyebrow.

"Um Watson you took literally 2 minutes." Daniel laughs pulling out of the carpack and zooming out on to the high way.

"I so didn't." I argue shaking my head and putting on my seatbelt.

"Check the time you texted me back and the time now." Daniel says giving me his phone. I look down and sure enough I sent him a text at 3:10 and the time now is 3:12.

"Dam! i must have been fast!" I exclaim my eyes wide, I don't remember walking any faster than normal.

"Haha what did I say Watson?" Daniel smirks, laughing at my face.

I laugh as well and look back down on his phone to see my conact name as Watson. I grin and glance to see if Daniel is watching, which he isn't. I quickly go into the settings and change my name, I nod to myself in approval at my name now; Renée mah Babe. 

I turn the phone off and hand it back to Daniel as I look towards my window and close my eyes.

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