• Chapter 6 •

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I open my eyes, nothing, I blink twice, still nothing. I move my hand, I can't feel anything, I move it towards what I think is my face, still nothing. I open my mouth to speak but I have suddenly forgotton how to speak.

What the hell is happening to me! I try to move my legs but still nothing happens. My breathes start to become fast and harsh, when I hear an echo around what I think is me.

"Princessssss where are you?"

I feel my heart leap into my throat, I start to shiver but feel nothing whatsoever.

Suddenly everything instantly changes to white. I hear a subtle beeping in the background.

"Robert please dont do this!" I hear a woman screaming around me. Robert? Who is Robert.

"Mirander be quiet!!" a manly voice growls back. Thats mom and dads names? I feel sweat dripping from my temples, but now I'm not even sure I have temples.

"Don't do it, you know it's the wrong decision, you will ruin her life!" the woman who was obviously Miranda screamed as if she was dying.

I tried to open my eyes again, still nothing.

I hear a woman scream again then glass breaking against the ground. I try to open my eyes desperate for something to make sense, suddenly the whiteness becomes transparent, I see a syringe before my eyes before I scream and everything turns black once again.


"Watson? Watson wake up!!" someone was shaking my arm harshly. I open my eyes in relief to find myself in Daniel's house.

I flicker my eyes and sigh in relief. Daniel just stares at me in shock.

"What happened to you Renée?" Daniel asks moving away from me slowly. I open my eyes wide in worry.

"What do you mean Park?" I ask keeping my voice calm as I walk towards my phone which is sitting on the table in front of the T.V.

"Renée seriously you went all posessed." Daniel replies frowning and looking at his hands. I ignore him as I wait for my phone to turn on.

"Holy crap Park! It's ten past nine, I can't believe I slept here all night." I half yell half laugh at myself. Mom and Dad are going to kill me.

Daniel forgets about his question and starts to laugh with me. I fall back on the couch and sigh as I look at Daniel. He turns his head towards me and stares at me.

"Why arent we friends Park?" I ask softly a small frown growing on my face. Daniel frowns suddenly and jumps up from the couch.

"Time for school Watson." he says gruffly walking towards the front door. I slap myself mentally, why the hell did I ask him that! I grab my phone and race after him.

"Can we go by my house please, I need to change." I ask sulenly as I shut the door behind us.

"Yes Watson" Daniel replies gruffly unlocking his car at the same time. I really just ruined a future friendship, nice one Watson.



Hey guys sorry for the short update!! I promise the next one will be longer.

Please vote and comment :)

Jo xx


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