• Chapter 3 •

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I had been sitting on the couch watching the national news for the night after Maddie went home, when my Dad joined me.

"Hey princess how was your day?" He asks me while settling himself among the pillows.

I tense automatically and just shrug my shoulders not wanting dad to question me on my shaky voice. Dad just looks at me long and hard then turns back to the television.

"We'll I'm heading off to bed" I manage to get out as calmly as possible as I stand up and walk towards my room.

I close my door behind myself and slide down against it. No job. No job means no money, no money means big changes, I'm not ready for change. I lean against the door and just shake my head.

I get up and run a nice hot bath and fill it with bath salts, I put on some relaxing music and hop in. I let my shoulders and back relax as I close my eyes and let the water reach up to my ears.

After an hour soak in the bath I get out and start reading a book for school, there is no way I'm sleeping, especially after last nights episode.

Finally the first rays of light make their way through my curtain, I sigh and rub my eyes. Maybe staying up all night wasn't such a good idea after all.

I laugh it off and head downstairs where I can hear mom up making breakfast.

I hobble down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. Pete is seated at the table eating a stack of pancakes.

"Ay save some for me little bro! I need energy too!" I laugh as I walk over and steal a pancake.

"Hey give it back Renée!" He whines at me.

"Ha! Too late!" I reply as I shove the whole pancake in my mouth.

"Renée manners would be great." Mom reprimands.

"Haha sorry I kind of left them at school." I shrug laughing.

"Yeah coz it's really attractive when a girl eats with their mouth open." A new voice adds sarcastically.

"Oh don't be jealous Logan" I retort back as mom hands me my own plate of pancakes.

"Whatever." Logan replies as he sits back in his chair digging into his pancakes.

I just squint my eyes in return.

I quickly finish of my breakfast then head back up to my room to get ready for another long day of torture.

Wanting to look nice today I pull out a red tartan dress, a denim jacket and what do you know my good ole combat boots.

I straighten my brown wavy locks wanting to be a little different, and just put on a tad of eye makeup. I spritz myself with a body spray and walk back downstairs.

I look out the window to make sure Logan hasn't left, I fist pump the air when I see the car still parked outside.

I sit down by the front door just as I hear loud voices coming from the kitchen. I hope up and sneak over to the corner.

"Logan I'm so sorry but there's nothing I can do." Mom said softly.

"This isn't fair." Logan replies crossly.

"I know Hun, and I'm sorry. So you'll have to catch the bus home." Mom answers back as Logan picks up his keys.

I rush back to the front door just as Logan calls out. "I'm leaving Renée!"

"Ready and waiting" I call back.

Logan just walks right past me and out the door.

"Rightio." I say out loud as I follow him outside.

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