• Chapter 5 •

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I rub my temples in confusion as I let the startling information sink in. Scary monster like Daniel has a sister. Woah definatly a national headline.

Daniel quickly opens the door just as a young girl around the age of 5 I'm guessing jumps into his arms, her blonde braids flapping.

"Heyy there honey." Daniel says spinning her around in circles while she giggles excitedly. He puts her down and she rushes towards me hugging my legs.

"Your pretty" she says shyly looking up at me with wide eyes. I couldnt help myself, I bent down and looked ar her in the eye.

"And I think your absolutly gorgeous." I reply smiling at the way she giggled when she heard that she was also pretty.

"So whats your name young lady?" I ask with a grin.

"Charlotte" she replies with a cute lisp. She runs back into the house dragging Daniel along with her. Daniel nods at me to follow barely looking at me at all. I follow the pair as they walk into their immaculate house that was obviously designened with the utmost taste.

I stare in wonder at the modern fireplace in the hallway as well as some amazing peices of artwork. We walk into a room and I freeze in shock at the sight of it.

"Wow." I stutter in barely a whisper, admiring every inch of the magestic room.

"Daniel is that you?" I hear a voice ring through the house. Daniel perks his head up.

"Yeah Mum it's me." He replies taking a seat on the soft looking couch turning on the television with Charlotte sitting on his lap.

He seems to have forgotton about me as I just stand at the corner of the room awkwardly. Daniel's mum walks into the lounge room looking every inch the lady. Her hair was perfect, she wore barely any  makeup and was just wearing a simple blue dress with pumps.

"Hello Daniel how was your.. who is this?" Mrs. Watson asks staring at me in confusion.

"Thats Renée." Park replies without taking his eyes of the T.V. Mrs. Watson eyes him suspiciously then looks me up and down. I decide I should butt in before she gets the wrong idea.

"Im Daniel's Biology partner, I'm here to help with an assignment?" I say questioningly as if to remind Park why I'm even here.

"Oh how nice of you to come help Daniel. Come on Charlotte lets leave this kids to it." She replies sweetly, taking Charlotte by the hand and leading her away.

"Oh there is cookies and milk in the Kitchen, feel free to help yourself." She comments her heels clicking on the floor.

After about two minutes of Park not saying a word, I start to get fed up.

"Ok I guess your room is up these stairs then." I say sneakily, making my way to the beautifully carved stairs.

He jumps up as quick as lightening and races after me as I run up the stairs laughing. I see a door up ahead with a wooden letter D on it, I sprint towards it and place my hand on the handle just as Daniel grabs my waist and pulls me away.

I gasp at Daniel's warm touch on my waist and shiver slightly. I jump out of his arms quickly feeling a blush appear on my cheeks. I mentally slap myself, what the hell Renée, don't you even dare start to get you know what.......

I look up to see him staring at me hard.

"I'm gonna go take ur mum's offer up on those cookies." I say quickly running down the stairs trying to find the kitchen. I walk past the lounge room searching for what might be classified as a kitcen in this mansion.

I walk past the lounge room into another long hallway when I saw what looked like a family portrait. I noticed however that there was no other male in the picture other than Daniel. I guess he never did mention his Dad to me before.

I continue down the hallway until at last I found the kitchen. My mouth dropped in wonder. I never knew a kitchen could be that big.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jump in fright and turn around and see it is Daniel.

"Really Park?" I growl making my way over to the cookies and grabbing a bunch before I head back to the lounge room and sit on the couch.

"Watson, Biology assignment?" Park questions sitting next to me on the couch. I look at him for a minute and think.

"Can we just start another day? I'm not up to it sorry." I reply slowly hoping he won't get mad.

"Haha suits me just fine." He exclaims happily settling himself on the couch comfortably.

I just shrug and do the same, definitaly beats going home and facing dad. I lean my head against the arm of the chair nearly dozing off when I feel a small figure sit on my lap and settle in. I smile slightly and fall asleep.

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