• Chapter 2 •

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I grab my books out of my locker and walk towards Logan's car and jump in.

"Come on Logan where are you?" I growl scanning the front of the school.

He comes around the corner as if I jinxed it. I smile happily only for it to be wiped of my face when Logan pulls Charlie out from the corner and pushes her against the wall, and starts kissing her neck. I stomp my foot impatiently and frown. Why Charlie? Like come on she is a little whore.

Suddenly the back door opens and Maddie jumps in.

"Mind if I catch a ride?" She asks then bites into her red apple.

Crap! I hope she doesn't see Logan. Maddie starts to lean forward but I cover her eyes.

"Renée what the hell? Get your hands off me!" Maddie yelps struggling to get my fingers of her eyes.

"Maddie you don't want to see trust me." I say pleading her to not look. She would get so upset to see Charlie making out with Logan.

"Renée I'm serious! Get off!" She replies getting angry.

"Whatever, but don't get mad at me for what you see." I give in sitting back in my seat and releasing her eyes.

She gasps at what she sees. I can see the hurt swarming in her eyes.

"That little no good bitch!" Maddie whispers angrily.

"Don't do anything rash Maddie please." I beg softly.

"I won't." She retorts and sits back in her seat, and then looks the opposite way.

Stupid brother!

I reach over to the steering wheel and start beeping the horn continuously.

Logan jumps away from Charlie and accidentally drops her on the ground at the same time. I burst out laughing as I see Charlie slapping him on the cheek and yelling at him.

Maddie joins in when Logan goes in to kiss Charlie and she pushes him off and on to the floor and storms off.

"That's the way we roll girl" I turn around and high five Maddie as Logan walks over to the car his cheeks burning red.

He opens the door and starts ranting, "I can't believe the dog that started beeping, it gave me a start then I fricken dropped the girl, what's her name? Charlie, that's it, then the little bitch started yelling at me and slapped me and man I hate her!"

Maddie and I burst out laughing hysterically.

Logan looks up and stares at Maddie and I. I throw my hands in the air and shrug. Logan stares into Maddie's eyes, then she cracks.

"It might have been us..." Maddie whispers soaking in Logan's eyes.

"Really girls like come on, that was a low move." Logan says crossly while pulling out of the parking lot.

"Not when your watching your brother eat some chicks face." I reply smugly giving Logan a wink.

I feel my phone vibrate in my my bag, I pull it out and check my messages. The text was from an unknown number, I open it curiously to find a small harsh text:

Don't leave your phone out of your sight Watson.

I glare at my phones screen nearly breaking it with my hand grip. How the hell did he get my phone number!

"Who you talking to Rae Rae?" Logan asks me slyly.

"None of your business nosy bum." I retort.

"Nosy bum? How old are you Renée" Logan laughs.

I shake my head, not even wanting to get into something with Logan, knowing I would never win. I look back down at my phone and decide to reply.

Me: How did you get my number Park?

Park: I have my ways.

Me: Piss off.

Park: Want to say that to my face?

Me: Just leave me alone.

Park: Never.

I turn my phone off and sigh. Why me, like what's his problem?

"You ok there Maddie?" Logan asks turning around to face her in the back.

"I'm fine." Maddie replies curtly.

"Woah. Calm down woman." Logan chants teasingly.

"Shut up Logan" Maddie growls.

"Someone's on their monthly." Logan comments quietly.

"Want to repeat that ?" Maddie asks her voice rising.

"Ok um let's have some music shall we?" I cut in, turning up the music really loud to clear the tension.


"Coz Baby your a firework! Come and show them what your worth!" Maddie screams out to the music blaring in my room.

"Stop stop I can't take it anymore!" I yell out laughing at Maddie's improv dance moves.

"Make em go ah! Ahh! Ahh! As you shoot across the sky-y-y." Maddie sings.

"Haha! That it!" I jump up and turn the music off myself.

Maddie laughs and collapses on to my bed puffed out. I join her as we get our breathes back together.

"You really like Logan don't you?" I ask her softly.

"Yes" Maddie sighs.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" I question.

"I can't, he will never like me, he likes normal pretty girls with good bodies and blonde hair." Maddie replies.

"You are pretty Maddie, just because you have purple hair,a spunky attitude and a good brain doesn't mean he will never like you." I say while playing with the sequins on my bedspread.

Maddie just shakes her head. "Let's just not talk about it ok?"

"Sure" I agree checking the time in my phone.

"Dinner!" Mom yells out from the kitchen.

We get up and make our way down to the dining room for a good meal cooked by my amazing mother haha. We sit down at our wooden table, I notice that Logan is sitting across from Maddie.

"This can't be good." I say to myself.

We all dig into the spaghetti Bolognese when my dad walks in the front door. Mom closes her eyes tightly. I admire how she can always compose herself around others, I never see her cry or give up ever.

She opens her eyes and calls out hello to dad in a cheery voice.

"Evening" Dad says addressing everyone at the table in one glance.

He then reaches his hand over to Moms and squeezes it tightly. I know from this gesture he has had no luck searching for a job today, but I ask anyway.

"Find a job today Dad?" I ask him, searching his eyes.

"No, but there's always tomorrow." He smiles, pulling a fake face to keep our hopes up.

I sigh and dig my fork into my spaghetti. I feel Maddie offer me a smile and I return it slightly.

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