Chu came to him and whispered in his ear for him to adjust himself and stopped shouting suddenly.

"Is he here? Why didn't you say so?" Bai Yu Tong glared at his team and quickly went to his office.

"Mr.  Zhao Xin Ci, welcome to my office what a great honour Sir" he bowed and greeted the president of all the investigation departments in the city.

He brought him tea and let him sit in his chair and just face him being so worried of the sudden visit.

"Listen Yu Tong  I am here to talk about my son" he surprised him.

"Ah Yunlan, is he ok?" Asked Yu Tong.

"This is the problem he is not ok, my son is not adjusting well and I want to take him out of the dark past he is living in, it's past 6 years already" Xin Ci did all his best to bring back Yunlan to life again but couldn't.

"I am afraid about his son that his dad's behaviour could influence him and lead him the wrong way, he won't let me take him in"

"You Tong I know you two are still in touch and he only talks to you so please try to convince him to go back to work and just forget about everything" Yunlan's dad was very desperate about saving his son.

"Sir I have tried so may times but he won't listen, until now I keep on trying and I did leave any method I didn't use on him but still I will try again of course"

The two kept discussing the problem of Yunlan and his depression for so many years.

He tried to end his life so many times but every time someone rescue him.

"I must leave and please do your best" Xin Ci said at last before he left.


Yunlan was sleeping soundly when he woke up with a strong knock on the door.

He quickly went to open after cursing for the one behind that damn door.

"Are you Zu Ma's dad a woman was panicking and shouting holding her son's head while bleeding"

"And who are you?" Yunlan asked in panic.

"You bastard can't you raise your son proparly look what he did to my son, he hit him with a rock on his head"

"And why are you here?, Take him to the hospital quickly"

Yunlan was angry at the stupid woman, he grabbed his jacket and car keys and took the boy to the hospital quickly.

"I am sorry my son is very wild, I will take responsibility instead" he felt sad as this is not the first time.

Yunlan arrived at the hospital and took care of everything there as well as helping the boy to get all the needed treatment.

He was waiting at the big hall when saw a beautiful figure, a gentle and elegant man that took his breath away.

Yunlan felt like a déjà vu, he somehow knew him or saw him before.

Shen Wei just arrived at the hospital to surprise his brother for coming early not as he was expecting him.

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