{Old} Chapter 7: Destination; Christmas Vacation!

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Posted on: 12/20

Time line dates: 12/20

Next Update: 12/22

Finished: 12/20(I wasnt kidding when I said I was super behind 😭)


Word count: 10,220

Y/N's P.O.V

I groaned as Lloyd kept the ear buds secure in my ears. He even put his hands over my eyes as we left the terminal. We had stopped, and Lloyd took my phone and turned the music down then paused it and took the ear buds out. Which was cute, so next time I tried to listen to music my ears wouldnt be bleeding, something I had always complained about happening to me. I guess he really listens. I still kept my eyes close, to his request, but mostly because he was being so cute being excited to suprise me where we were going.

"Ok. On three." He said. I nodded. "One. Two. Three."

I opened my eyes. At first I thought my eye sight was messed up from them adjusting to the light. But no. I dropped my carry on in shock and my hand covered my mouth. I know this airport. Tears weld up in my eyes as I realized where we were.

They brought me home for Christmas.

They brought me to Paris.

Both my hands covered my nose and mouth. I was still in disbelief. The tears fell.

"Suprise." Lloyd said. I turned around, and saw the whole group with smiled on their faces. I immediately brought the closest person, who happened to be Lloyd, into a hug and I let out a small sob into his shirt. The other joined the group hug.

"Y/N!" I turned and saw a ruffle of blonde hair. Adrien. Sniffling, I smiled as I realized this whole thing was planned. I didnt know who exactly was in on it out of my Paris family, but I was beyond happy. I quickly ran over and tackled him in a hug. Crying into his shirt. He laughed and hugged back. Turning around I saw my friends walking over, huge smiles. I pulled away from Adrien, whipping my ears and laughed.

"You guys brought me home."

"Of course!" Nya exclaimed.

"This was so hard to keep from you." Cole laughed. "Jay was so close to spilling it on the plane."

"I was not!"

"Jay, you kept looking over and getting antsy. Something you often do when you're about to open your mouth." Kai remarked.

"Hey, dudette!" I know exactly who calls me that. Turning around I saw Nino.

"Nino!" I shouted before tackling him into a hug. But being respectful to Alya's boyfriend.

"Yup! Still the same death grip." Nino wheezed. I laughed as I pulled away. Turning to my group, a few had confused looks. Which was understandable. Only Nya and Lloyd knew about him.

"Right. This is going to be alot of introducing. This is Nino, the 'DJ' of our group. He's our version of Cole. Kinda. Music wise anyhow." I explained. They all gave him a wave. Their nervousness understandable with Ninjago being quite rude.

"Lloyd." Lloyd said, raising his hand slightly.





"Zane." They all introduced.

"Its nice to meet y'all. When I heard Y/N was coming home I had to come. Also, I'm the only other one who knows. Besides Adriens driver." Nino said. They looked kinda shocked over his niceness.

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