Secret Room

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Tuesday, April 2nd

Dear Stanley,

After school ended, Breeze and me met up by my locker and she told me she wanted to take me somewhere.

I was excited with the idea of spending time with her outside of school. It was foreign and thrilling to me.

But I was mostly curious as to where she'd want to take me.

"Where are we going Breeze?" I asked once we were outside school parameters, away from the students and crowds. She was walking besides me, the buckles on her boots jingling along with her jewelry. Her leather backpack was pregnant with books while mine was empty. I don't even try for school anymore.

Breeze cracked a smile. "You'll see, Nic."

I groaned. I hated surprises. But the use of her nickname for me still gave me butterflies.

After a while of walking besides each other talking about useless things and laughing, we emerged into the more hectic part of our town. The places with stores and small cafes.

The streets were clean and paved with cobblestone, designed to look aesthetically pleasing. I saw glimpses of neighbors and people my parents are friends with entering and leaving the small shops. The smell of baked bread wafted to my nostrils and my mouth watered. I didn't bring any money to buy anything though.

"Nic, come here!" She chirped as she skipped towards a smaller shop at the end of the street. I followed unable to suppress the smile on my face. She was like a child and I loved it about her - her ability to be mature yet kiddish. It was a break from the depressing world.

We walked into a wooden two story cafe that had neon light-up letters on the top of it. They spelled out: Cupcake crisis. I wasn't even inside it yet but the aura the place gave matched Breeze perfectly.

The interior walls were adorned with light pastel colors and the floor was like a chess board, black and white tiles. There were colorful booths bordering the place and a glass case displaying cupcakes of all different types. There were a few people in the booths, enjoying their baked goods. It smelled of sugary treats and coffee.

I don't think I've ever been in this place before.

"Oh! Breeze, my darling! I haven't seen you in like -" the lady at the counter paused her sentence to think, "-two days! I've missed you!" She reached over to give a beaming Breeze a hug.

I approached the counter, and saw the name tag on the frizzy red-haired women. Susan. Her face was worn out with warm wrinkles, but a friendly beam was on her face.

"Hi, Ms.Susan!"

"Breeze, how many times do I have to tell you? Just call me Susan!" Susan interrupted. She seemed oblivious to the fact that I was standing awkwardly behind Breeze. Her chocolate eyes were looking solely on Breeze and her only, as if she was the most interesting thing in the colorful and hipster bakery.

Breeze sheepishly shrugged, about to talk again, when Susan's gaze slid over to me and her smile became wider. "Breeze, who is this charming young man?"

I waved shyly. "I'm Nic." I said, using Breeze's name for me.

"Well, Nic, you are far too skinny, let me help fatten you up. What would you two like?"

Breeze gave her order and looked at me, waiting for me to decide.

"I don't have any money." I whispered to Breeze. Susan overheard and laughed.

"Oh Nic. You don't have to worry about paying. It's on the house."

"Oh no, it's ok! I really don't want anything." I lied, staring at my shoes, too shy to speak to her face. The cupcakes looked delicious and I can't remember the last time I sunk my teeth into such a fatty food. But I couldn't imagine taking one for free.

Dear Stanley [Watty's 2019. Completed]Where stories live. Discover now