Chapter 34

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I tried to pull my wrist away but they were strong. I was thrown to the floor I looked up to see a Gryffindor Girl in her 7th year. 

“Um Hi?” I said but it sounded more like a question

”It’s all your fault you know that it’s all your fault my sister died she was only a 2nd year!” The girl exclaimed and guilt poured over me.

” I-I-I” I stuttered and the Mauraders rusher to us.

”What are you doing?” Sirius exclaimed and Remus helped me up my eyes filled with tears She was right it was all my fault. 

“Avenging my sister!” The girl exclaimed

”Then go kill some death eaters!” James retorted 

“it’s her fault they came so it’s her fault she died why is her last name Gryffindor anyway she’s a muggle born with the last name Evans?” The girl scoffed. My brain whirled why couldn’t I be normal? 

“Can’t you just go away? It’s annoying!” Remus said and the Mauraders dragged me away We sat near the forbidden forest. I didn’t say much

”You know we should really ask Dumbledore about this!” Remus said out of the blue and the other Mauraders nodded. I just followed them silently to his office getting glares and some shoves I looked at my shoes in guilt. I should have just given my self up.  We walked into Dumbledores office to see five chairs all set up in front of his desk as if he was expecting us.

We all sat down and waited. We knew Dumbledore had at least one thing to say before we got started. "It has come to my attention. That ms.carolett is causing problems in our school" he said. That's when the marauders stood up from their chairs and backed me up. I just sat the looking at my lap. I felt my hair change a color. I looked at it noticing it was white again.

I picked up a few words "sir!" "She hasn't" "other students" I picked them up every so often. My vision was going in and out. It would be as clear as day and as fuzzy as night. I was feeling really tired suddenly. But my brain was fully awake. My head started spinning. Dumbledore noticed but didn't do anything. The words were more fain and I would only pick up "si-" "sh-" ca-" and I wouldn't hear the rest.

I couldn't move my legs. My arms felt like they were made of cement. My vision had gone fuzzy completely. My brain had shut down. And that was when everything went black. I felt my body collide with the cold ,smooth,stone floor. I felt my lips moving but I couldn't hear anything. I could feel things but not hear or see. Is this what has been happening to me. I drop into an abis and I can't move.

Suddenly I didn't feel my body anymore and I saw a terrified image.


I was in the woods stuck in place. I heard noises but I couldn't run away. My body was frozen, my breathing quick. I had to think away out of this abis. Suddenly a scream erupted from my throat. It was so sudden it shock myself causing me to scream louder. I couldn't stop and that's when people showed up in front of me. Their faces were fuzzed and their voices unrecognizable. They were yelling at me. I wanted them to stop but I couldn't get them to stop.

(Remus p.o.v)

We were trying to tell Dumbledore that carolett was innocent when we heard a loud thud. We all turned around to find carolett as stiff as a wooden board, pale like a ghost,mumbling something. We couldn't hear what it was till she started talking louder. "The girl of December has a tragic life. She's dieing inside. Her friends try to save her but she's out of reach. The dark lord needs her dead but she breaths. The school is attacked. Rucus everywhere. She disappeared not to be seen for almost two years." She said. She suddenly stopped and her eyes glazed over more if that's even possible. 

Suddenly without warning she sent out a blood curling scream. We all covered our ears but I was no use it was so loud. After ten minutes she stopped. She went dead silent. She looked dead at this point. Her hair was pitch black with a white streak going through it. She shot up and yelled "He's coming!" Before fainting.

Dumbledore stood up and left his office. He glanced at us with a sparkle in his eye before he fully left. "Guys we need to get her to safety" James said. We all nodded and I picked her up. We ran down the halls trying to find the room of requirements.

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