Untitled Part 21

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 I quickly changed into my pj's and took off my glasses placing them on the side table when my door creeked open. I grabbed my glasses and put them back on. I didnt see any one but I can sense someones presents. I could here breathing a little a head of me and once I reached the spot I heard the breathing at I waved my hand in the air and grabbed something I pulled it to see an invisibleity cloak and James with no glasses.

"Give me my glasses back!" James commanded squinting I looked down realizing I had his glasses. I handed them to him realizing Sirius was with him.

"What in the world are you doing here?" I asked them looking behing Sirus makin sure no one was behind him

"We wanted to see if you were awake and wanted to come to my room to do something." James said. Then cold water spilled on my head.

"HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I screamed turning around to see a laughing Peter and Remus and James and Sirius started laughing too. I looked in Peter and Remuses hans to see cups of water in their hands. I started walking to the bathroom when on my desk I saw some cans of silly string. I smirked and picked it up.

"meanies this is what you get." I said opening two bottles of silly string and shooting at them

"They started running around trying to avoid my aim. Once My cans ran out I tackled Sirius because he was closest and started tickling him. then Peter jumped on me tickling me and I fell off of Sirius. Once Peter stopped tickling me they were all looking down at me.

"No one out pranks us!" Remus declaired I rolled my eyes

"4 vs 1 sooo fair." I replied

"Hey its not our fault you have no friends." Sirius relied and suprisingly James nodded my eyes filled with tears How could they say that?. I got up and went to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Carolett they were kidding!" Remus said knocking on the door.

Then why arent they saying sorry? I thought bitterly I knew this was a bad idea. To come here, and think all my problems would go away. Tears rolled down my cheecks. I could here Remus telling James and Sirius off. I heard the boys leave I got up and stood by the sink.
" Alohomora." Someone said and my door opened. It was Remus.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly

"I wanted to say they didnt mean what they said." Remus replied

"Then why arent they here I heard you telling them off and them saying but its her fault she has no friends." I sniffed

I took off my glasses and cleaned them. I walked out of the bathroom and put them on my side table I got on my bed and sat their staring at the wall.

"Carolett you know as well as I do they dont mean it." Remus insisted. I put my glasses back on and wnt to the bathroom well rolling my eyes I put all my bathroom stuff in a neat stack so I could easily grab it and di the same to my desk and wardrobe.

"Remus do you get what its like?" I asked him sitting on my bed next to him.

"What?" He asked

"Being bullied to the point that no one wants to be your friend, to be bullied till the point where you dread walking around campus?" I asked him He shook his head

"Then you wouldnt get how it feels when they say that." I told him

"You dont get how bad that hurts you dont know how every word you and the others ever said to me was always in my mind. They were carved in my mind forever and they still are. I wish I could forget them but saddly its impossible. I remeber when Sirius called me disgusting. I remeber James calling me an idiot. I remeber Peter calling me a coward. I remeber you calling me a weirdo." I told him sniffling

"Every punch or bruise you gave me always left a scar to remind me how much everyone hates me." At this point I was crying and Remus put my head on his shoulder. Then put me on my pillow.

"Night." He said and opened the door but I didnt fail to Realize something went out beofore him. It was the boys in James invisibilty cloak they heard it all! Though because I didnt feel like confronting them I just cryed till I fell asleep

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