Chapter 31

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After a while I stopped dancing. And I came back to reality. Tears filled my eyes and I threw my dance shoes back in my bag and I went to the wall and grabbed my dagger and cut all the dummies that were near the wall. Tears streamed down my cheeks. 

   I remembered when I used to dance at school. I remembered when I had friends that liked me  and would do anything for me. Magic messed everything up. It was all because Lily had come to Hogwarts. If she hadn’t come I wouldn’t have been abused my friends wouldn’t have ditched me because everyday I had new scars. I punched the wall and fell to my knees sobbing.

”I was so nice to her too.” I sobbed into my knees 

“I let her cry on me I let her sleep with me what else does she want?” I kept sobbing and eventually I got up and rushed to the Ravenclaw dorms I went to my dorm to see Lily still on my bed and my blood boiled. I slammed the door and ran back out and went outside under my favorite tree. I sat their and sobbed in my knees. Luckily no one was outside right now.

After a while I heard four peoples steps running in my direction but I didn’t move.

”Carolett what’s wrong?” Sirius asked putting his hand on my shoulder

”I bet it was that ruddy book.” Remus scowled

”Wheres Lily?” James asked and that made my blood boil.

”Get Away from me! And no it’s not that book! Why do you care for Lily so much?” I screamed sobbing I stood up and ran to the room of requirement. 

I sat down and sobbed. I looked up to see what the room lit for me. I saw a beautiful mirror on the wall I walked up to it to see the Mauraders outside talking

”what do you think happened?” James wondered

”it has to be bad for her to do that.” Sirius said Remus nodded. Then the mirror faded to Lily. She wa still in my bed.

“You did the right thing Lily she would have never told you.” She comferted her self.

I walked to my dorm and went to her put my book in my side table.

”Dont you have common sense to leave!” I snapped at her and she got up and grabbed her home work and left I sat in my bed.  I saw my diary open on my side table and my blood boiled. I slammed it shut and layed down.

I layed there for what seemed like an eternity but it wasn't. I sat up and suddenly my mind went blank and I was stuck inside a daze. I tried to get out of the but I couldn't. I felt my hair change it's color. I was just barely able to see it. It was snow white. Hmm.. suddenly I screamed super loudly not being able to stop myself. I didn't know why I was screaming though. I heard my door lock it's self. 

I suddenly stopped and I was brought out of my daze. I stood up only to collapse to the ground. I tried to stand but I just couldn't. What's happening to me. Suddenly I was brought into an image of the future.


I was there but yet I wasn't. "Lily take harry and run! I'll hold him off." I heard a familiar voice say. I just couldn't place my finger on it. I saw a blur of red hair run past me with something in their arms. The scenery changed. I was in a room. 'harry be brave, be strong, if anything happens remember mommy and daddy love you, "the woman said. The voices were to familiar but I couldn't recognize anyone.

"Remember, your auntie c will be there in your dark times. Im sorry for everything. I just hope you have a good future. Remember we love you" she said before the door bursted open.

End of image.

My eyes shot open so suddenly. I layed up from my collapsed form. I was breathing heavily. I started shaking. I stood up slowly trying not to fall again. I looked at the time and notice the time had not changed. I stepped back worried and that's when I collapsed again. I was then sucked into another image.


"No! It was triggered. The shield triggered!" Someone yelled. "Don't leave. They have to be fine." Another voice said. "I have to go check" the  first voice said. "What If... That person's there"the second person  said. "I'm gonna go check to see if Harry's ok. You take care of the kids." The male said. "But-" the woman was cut off by the man running out.

Image end.

I sat up and shook my head. What's going on? Here's nothing about this in the book. I looked at my hair. It's still white. I stood up and went to my bathroom. I grabbed onto the sink to help me stand. I was breathing heavily. I gasped when I saw myself in the mirror. I had white hair still but my eyes where different. They.. were yellow! I screamed in shock.

Suddenly I ran back into the room and sat on my bed. I had so many images and thoughts going through my head I didn't hear he door open. Soon enough I collapsed in a pitch of darkness.

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