Part 3

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    After quickly healing myself I hurried to potions. I walked into Potions and sat down, taking out my books, quills, and parchment. Eventually more Ravenclaws started piling in.

Nothing weird happened in classes, the whole time i didn't even end up running into the Mauraders! Though i knew i would be running into them soon. I stood by the black lake thinking about my nightmare I started to back away from it and my backing away turned into me sprinting I ran to "my tree". "My tree" was tall and old, it was on the outskirts of the Forbiden Forest. I could hear the shouts from the Quidditch Pitch, the sound of the black lake, and the sounds of people. Why don't people like me? i asked my self and my pessimist answered. "because your a freak! oh yeah don't forget that your hideous!" I shook my head thinking of my nightmare last night "you know maybe you should just kill your self i mean even "they" wanted you dead"

My head was whirling, about "them". Memories came to me as if i was reliving the pain that "they" caused me. I held my head trying to get the memories out. I realized two eyes were on me. I stood up but the eyes were gone as fast as they came.I looked around but saw no one. After a couple minutes I still didn't see anyone. Then I saw four figures walk up to me. I knew those four figures too well. James smirked when he saw me. No No No I thought then once again my pessimist came "Told you to kill your self" Shut Up! my inner self screamed.

They were approaching me slowly but at the same time quick. I gulped i knew their was no escape now. My brain told me to not reveal signs of pain but my heart was sobbing i wanted to sob with it so bad but my brain forced me to look stronger than i felt. Though my eyes never failed to betray me, they showed fear.

I stood their waiting for them to come it felt like the hours standing their I was shaking so hard it felt like earthquake!.

"Is the freak scared?" James asked in a baby voice. I couldn't move Peter grabbed my book bag and looked threw what I had. I tried to grab it from him but James pinned me to the tree. Peter threw out my books, homework, quills, and parchment. When he came across my diary. I started breathing heavily

".....Aw so baby Carolett has a diary" Sirius asked, why did he hesitate I asked myself.

"this is going to be good." James said.

"seems like we have alot of reading to do tonight." Peter said even he was smirking!

"Don't worry Carolett will make sure to read it quickly so you don't have to wait to see are reactions, oh yeah and this.." He said punching me in the face and dropped me. They left howling with laughter but someone there was acting off the laughing didn't sound the same. I quickly gathered my things and left "my tree" and walked to the Ravenclaw tower. I quickly healed my self and walked to my dorm....

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