Untitled Part 26

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 I read silently I had only gotten on to the 7th page so far when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in" I said still reading I looked up as the door opened to see Remus.

"Hi." I said

"Hey." Remus responded

"so what's up?" I asked flipping the page of my book

"just wondering why did you go to Diagon Alley?" Remus asked

"I needed to get some school stuff." I explained

"what are you reading." He asked sitting next to me

"Gryffindors past." I said flipping the page to get it snatched out of my hand

"Hey!" I exclaimed trying to get it back but he put it above me so I couldn't reach

"Are you sure you want to read it." Remus asked

"duh, why else would I buy it." I rolled my eyes

"Carolett you could find something out that you don't like and you would never be the same!" Remus persisted

"Remus I'll be fine! Just give it back!" I said annoyed

"Look at least let me read it first also can we not spend our last day of break just sitting here let's go do something the guys are in the living room." Remus said

"if you give me the book i'll come down and i won't read the book till we get to Hogwarts." I bargened

"deal." He said giving me the book and I put it on my side table and Remus grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs in the living room

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