A lee-Enfield rifle.

He didn't know how he had missed it before, it was hanging over the fireplace in plain view. He could barely see the long barrel of it, and the stock was a dark shade of brown. He smirked, picturing himself holding it and aiming it and then pulling the trigger. He had only seen one like it once before because they were a British gun type. But they were nice. Axel limped over to the fireplace and looked up at the rifle, wanting so badly to hold it, but it wasn't his so he didn't. He blinked and tore his gaze away, still bored.

He could go outside. No, he wouldn't do that.

He hesitated and then looked down at his splint. It wouldn't be wise to go outside. Not with his foot in this condition.

Axel looked around and decided to just wait for Freya to wake up. He limped over to the sofa and sat down, leaning back and resting his head against the back of the cushion. He closed his eyes.

'Left, left, left right, right, right left!'

A flight of soldiers marched up a dusty, dirt covered road, panting and breathing heavily as they struggle up the hill, which was like a mountain to them.

'Left, left, left right...Pick it up!'

The flight commander yelled over the heavy breathing as the group of soldiers tried to stay in formation as they pushed themselves to their limits. Sweat soaked each soldier, making the 12 mile journey uncomfortable.

One soldier was more tired than the others and he tripped, two others next to him catching him before he hit the ground and helping him regain balance so he could keep marching. The green eyes of the young, tired soldier who had almost tripped blinked miserably as he struggled to keep walking.

'Hurry up! You don't expect Germany to win this war with soldiers who can't walk up hills?!'

The soldiers picked up their pace, walking faster, despite the screaming of their protesting bodies that were aching in pain. They had been walking for hours on end without stop and there wasn't one cloud in the sky to block out the bright, glaring sun.

'I sware that when I'm outta this war,' the blond soldier next to the green eyed one whispered, 'I'ma make sure those dog gon captains yellin at us never cross my path again.'

The green eyed solder narrowed his freckled face and kept walking, dark hair soaked with sweat.

'An I'ma make sure I get myself a good girl, one who can cook good.' The blond ranted, smiling a little as he tried to cheer the other soldier.

That comment made the green eyed soldier smile. 'One who can make the best pie, a cherry one.' He replied between pants.

'Shut the heck up you two, you're makin me hungry.' The soldier on the opposite side of the dark haired one snapped quietly as he shot a teasing look toward the two.

'Well don't blame me now, Walter is the one who wants a wife who can cook.' The middle soldier said, green eyes smiling as he felt the burden of the walk ease a little.

'Aye, I never said I wanted no wife. Just a girl who can cook.' Walter shot back.

'Do I hear talking?' One of the German commanders walked to the row where the three soldiers were walking. 'You three, fallout!'

The three who had been talking fell out of the flight of soldiers, standing still for the first time since the beginning of the walk. They stood at the position of attention while the commander inspected the three.

'When we go on marches, you are instructed to keep your mouth shut until it is over! Understood, soldiers?' He yelled.

'Yes, sir!' They yelled back.

'If you understand, then I want you to run back down this hill and then proceed to RUN TO THE TOP WITHOUT STOPPING, or I will make you do this whole march again. Understood?' The commander screamed.

'Yes, sir!'

The three began running, the small, green eyed soldier taking the lead as he sprinted down the hill, reaching the bottom before the other two. He turned, looking up at a hill that stretched for about half a mile.

Axel smiled, eyes still closed as he relived the memory. He pictured the look on Walters face as Axel had reached the top first and had rejoined the flight before anybody else. The other soldier in his flight had almost passed out running the distance back down and back up but all three had made it. Axel's mind turned to another time, longer ago, before he had enlisted...

Two boys walked through the street, the eldest carrying the youngest on his back as the middle aged walked alongside the eldest one. The littlest looked around with wide, green eyes at all of the soldiers marching in organized flight down the street. They were so big and so brave. The second youngest was walking close to the eldest, his blue eyes wide as he also stared in wonder at all the passing soldiers.

A few soldiers spotted the boys and walked over. The eldest boy dropped the youngest and the older two lined up and raised their arms up in some form of a salute. The little one, black waves and curls bouncing as he tried to line up too, put is arm in front of him as he saluted as well.

The soldiers smiled to each other and then went to 'attention' and saluted back, lowering theirs the same time the boys did.

'How are you fine young men doing this afternoon?' A soldier asked them, his neat uniform without flaws and his shoes shined to the best so they reflected the scenery around them.

The littlest one looked up at the tall soldier and smiled, dimples showing as the soldier patted him on the head.

'Good, um, sir!' The eldest squeaked, and the littlest thought he was a little afraid. Or was it amazed?

One soldier walked over to the middle one and pulled out a small pair of wings.

'Here, son. Do you like planes?' He handed the pair of pretty, silver wings to the middle one and the middle one took it, eyes wide.

'I do, sir.' He replied calmly.

'Well, take that then. I had a spare. Maybe you'll fly for Hitler one day. See ya around, kid.' The soldier winked and stood, walking away and leaving all three in complete awe.

The littlest one watched as the soldiers waved and patted their heads and continued their trip. Both the youngest and the oldest looked at the middle boy with slight jealousy. The boy held the wings in his hands and looked up, eyes wide and blue.

'I'm gonna fly!'

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