They would have Pastor Evan check in on Freya and Roger would still stop by as well. Another neighbor, a few miles away, would come over and she would also check on Freya. Freya was going to be responsible for feeding the animals and making her own meals every day, but she didn't eat too much so that wasn't an issue. If anything was too happen, she would go to Pastor Evan or a neighbor. But she highly doubted anything would. Her grandparents decided to leave in a few days, on Saturday. That was in two days.

"Are you sure you won't get lonely? Maybe you could come and Roger or Evan could stop by every morning to feed the animals." Grandma asked.

Freya shook her head. "No, trust me, I will be fine. I like being home alone." She smiled.

Once her grandparents agreed and were done telling her the plan, they let her go to do her own thing for a while.

Freya walked through the house and opened the back door, letting the sunlight land on her and warm her skin as she walked barefoot on the grass toward the barn to see if Axel was awake yet. If he was, she wanted to see how he was doing. Stepping around a few pebbles as she made her way toward the red painted barn and thinking about the trip her grandparents were going to go on, she realized that she wouldn't have to keep Axel put up in the loft. She would just have to hide him whenever Pastor Evan came to check on her. She could even let Axel stay in her fathers room, so he would finally have a real bed to sleep on.

She pushed one of the doors open, letting sunlight shine through. Horses nickered and chickens clucked as she entered the barn, taking in the musty, hay scent that filled the air. Freya's blue orbs immediately looked up and saw a head peeking over the side, green eyes shooting toward the door as he made sure there was no one behind her. She smiled whenever he looked back at her, she couldn't help it. He stayed serious, the corner of his mouth twitching as he gave up trying to keep a serious face and he smiled, disappearing from the edge.

She climbed up the ladder, looking behind her just in case and hen she saw no one she climbed up to the top, her barefoot feet pushing off the uneven wooden panels that made up the ladder. Once she pulled herself up and stood, she turned her attention to the boy on the hay pile. He was sitting on the hay, legs out in front of him so his ankle could relax and his hands supporting him behind him as he looked up at her with bright, green eyes.

"Hello!" He greeted her, the word rolling smoothly with his German accent. She liked the way it sounded.

Freya sat in front of him. "Hi. You seem cheerful..." She trailed off as his emerald's narrowed and he reached back, grabbing the dictionary and flipping through it until he found what he was looking for.

"Heiter...c-cheerful..." He repeated quietly. "Yes, I'm cheerful." He winked at her with a smile and then looked down at the book.

Freya felt her face flush. Cheerful, yeah. Very.

"Awl-so..." The way he said 'Also' was different as he searched for another word. Freya noticed that with every word he said he added a 'W' into it. It made the way he said things unique. When he said 'Cheerful,' it sounded like 'Cheerfawl,' and 'Hello' sounded like 'Hellow." It conclusion, it was just different.

Freya waited as Axel flipped through the pages. "Also, tired. Restless." He said slowly, looking back up with a raised brow.

Freya laughed softly. "Yes, I understand. Soon, you'll be able to leave. My family is going on a trip."


"It's like a journey. Traveling. Um, new adventures," Freya didn't know how to describe it. Axel flipped a few pages and began reading one of them.

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