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A few hours before

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A few hours before...

Ashe's head was pounding the moment she woke up.

It felt like someone was drilling through her skull. Her limbs felt like it was positioned in the most uncomfortable places for so long, causing her muscles to feel so strained. She tried to move, but there was something holding her in place. There were ties, thick and strong ropes, stopping her. Around her was such a massive blur. Circular blobs of dark shades were the only things she could decipher then.

But soon, her vision cleared, and the blurry circles transformed into furniture, light sources, and wallpaper patterns. She was back in her and Yoongi's motel room.

Or so she thought.

"You're awake."

Ashe's head whipped around to sound of that familiar voice. It was easier said than done, for it was then did she realize that she was tied to a chair.

She screamed.

But only muffled noises came out of her taped mouth.

Namjoon walked over to her, his eyes definitely noticing the pain, shock, and fear glinting in his classmate's eyes. "There's no need to be afraid Ashe."

Says you, Ashe thought. You're not the one who was knocked out, tied to a chair, and found out that her best friend's friend was the one behind all of this.

Soon, the raven haired was standing in front of the girl. He leaned down, causing Ashe to move her head back, as the boy seemingly wanted his face close to hers.

"I'm going to take off the tape on your mouth," Namjoon said in a low voice. "But you have to promise to not scream."

As if you can stop me from doing so.

Her breath hitched when a knife was suddenly placed against her neck, the blade only less than a centimeter from her pale skin.

"It's just a precaution," the young man assured him. "But who knows? Maybe I will do it."

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