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I woke up with my stomach feeling heavy. I opened my eyes and was met with a bright glare. Squinting, I turned onto my side. A disgusting feeling in my stomach made me vomit up my whole breakfast onto the hot sand. Gross.
My entire body ached like I ran a marathon the previous day. I managed to wobble to a standing position on the second try and I looked around.
I was on a beach, the ocean gently lapping the sand a few feet ahead of me. Disgustingly calm for what just happened to me. Behind me was a green tangle of branches and vines. The forest looked like it stretched on for forever.
The plane had left a massive scar in the ground that stretched across a large amount of land. It looks like it already had been carried into the sea. Luggage and random items floated in the ocean. I spotted my sparkly blue backpack and ran to it. I bent to fish it out of the water and immediately regretted it.
My head suddenly felt like lead and I was hit with a dizzy spell. I almost fell, but I caught myself before hitting the shallow water. I dragged my bag to shore and sat down hard on the sand.
I swiveled my head and looked for the others on my plane. Masey, my younger friend, was about ten feet away from my spot. She looked fine, other than a small gash on her arm. She's a tough freshman. She'll be alright.
Turning to the left, I spot a shimmer of gold. Ralph? He's running towards me. Coming closer, I see that it is my white-toothed plane buddy.
"Annona! Oh my lord! Are you alright? There's a cut on your forehead!" He shouts. I wish he didn't. My head hurts.
He swipes my jet-black hair over my shoulder and gently touches my forehead. I wince. Don't touch me.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" He says, worry lacing his voice.
"It's ok, I'm fine. It could be worse," I respond, "My friend Masey is over there, we should check on her."
I turn on my heel and speed-walk to Masey. My face burns from the close contact.
         She's brushing the sand off herself when I reach her. She turns and gives me a bright smile. This girl just got into a plane crash and smiled at me. What the hell?
         "Anno! You're ok!"
         I smile back, "I sure am. You seem to be alright, too. Do you know where the others are?"
         Just before Masey was going to answer she was cut off by a voice.
         "Hello," It wheezed.
        We spun around to see a wheezing boy on the edge of the forest. He was still wearing his blazer, despite the heat, and it didn't fit too well. He was a little bigger in size than the others and he was wearing thick glasses. I think he could use Masey's inhaler.
          "Hi," I said back. He seems innocent.
          "Do you know how to call the others?" He questioned.
           Masey shouts, "Guys, look what I found!"
           We turn to see her holding a beautiful shell bigger than my fist.
           "That's a conch!" The new boy and I exclaimed at the same time.
           I smile at him and he turns to Ralph, "You can blow into it and it makes a loud noise, like a horn."
           Ralph took the shell from Masey and tried to blow into it. It made a small fart noise and Masey and I giggled.
"Try blowing from down here," the boy instructed, pointing to his stomach.
Ralph tried again and a piercing noise filled the air. I covered my ears to muffle the sound and watched as people poured out of the trees. I saw my best friend Naomi and ran to her.
           She threw her arms around me and I hugged her tight. She then flicked back her dark wavy hair and looked me up and down.
             She quirked an eyebrow, "Plane crash isn't a good look on you, hun."
              I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, Nao. Love you, too."
             "Aw I'm just playing. You know I love you," she gave her classic smirk and hair flick. Oh, Naomi. Always so glamorous.
               A particular group of people then caught my eye. A group of boys with literal CAPES and CAPS. They looked ridiculous. The chubby boy whispered something about a choir. Oh. So they sing. Interesting.
              The group stopped several feet ahead of us. Their leader, a guy with fire-red hair, came towards us.
             "Where is the one with the trumpet?"
             "There is no trumpet, only me," Ralph stated, stepping forward.
"So there aren't any adults?"
"I'm afraid not," Ralph responded.
Some of the boys cheered and I sent them a glare. Don't they understand? We might die here! And they are CHEERING. Idiots.
The redhead then noticed me and Naomi.
"Where did the girls come from?"
I rolled my eyes, "Walmart."
He smirked, "I like you, you're spunky. What's your name, beautiful?"
"Annona Park. And what's your name, ginger?"
Some boys snickered. "Jack Merridew."
"Okay then. This is Ralph, Naomi, Masey, annnnnd I'm afraid I didn't catch your name," I turned to the heavier boy.
"You can call me anything, just not what they called me in school," he said.
"What did they call you?" Ralph asked, I sent him a warning look that he didn't catch.
"Piggy," the boy whispered, and Ralph burst out laughing.
"PIGGY! PIGGY!" He said between fits of howling laughter, the other boys joined in.
Naomi and I shared a look and I stood up sharply and marched forward.
"Listen up you morons! You are acting like little playground bullies who pick on anyone you get the chance to. Do you not understand that we could DIE here? Or are you too busy laughing your heads off like a bunch of dimwits?! There are no adults! No one to lead us or help us! That is NOT a good thing, and you shouldn't need me to tell you that! Quit picking on this poor boy and do something important with your pathetic selves! Like, maybe, I don't know, figure out how we will survive here?!" I glared at everyone, my fellow singers behind me. My therapist might have been right about my slight anger issues. My face feels hot from all my yelling.
All of the boys just stared at me, mouths agape, until Ralph spoke, "Alright, then. What does the lady suggest?"
"We need to vote for a leader. Who wants to be chief?"
Jack and Ralph raised their hands. I'm not going to be responsible for a whole group of kids.
"Mkay, now we vote. Who wants Jack as chief?" The choir raised their hands. "And now who wants Ralph as chief?" Everyone else's hand went up, including mine. Jack seemed too controlling and strict, he can't lead a group of small kids.
          "Alright, Ralph is chief," I continued, "what will be your first order, dear leader?"
           Ralph rolled his eyes at his new nickname and looked at all of us, "We should explore the island, we need to know what's out there. We also need a head count and names to be taken."
          I nodded, "You heard the man! Who's gonna be the ones to explore?"
          "I'll take Jack, Simon, and Annona with me to look around. Masey, Naomi, and Piggy will take names. Naomi is in charge while I'm gone. Listen to her," Ralph said.
           Jack and another guy stepped forward. He looked about a year younger than me. Why is everyone good looking?
           We set out towards the forest. The tangle of green looked intimidating as we approached.
          We seemed to walk for hours and no one said anything. It got boring and I found myself softly singing. Anything and everything. Helps calm me down.
           Suddenly, a deep, soulful voice joined mine. It was gorgeous. I stopped singing as I looked to the source, startled, and saw Jack smiling at me.
             "You have a gorgeous voice," he said, "don't stop singing."
           I smiled and picked up where I left off, singing louder than before. I'm glad he didn't make it weird. He joined in again and our voices mingled in the air, I was taking the melody and he the harmony. Maybe I could make friends with these guys.
           I let myself get lost in the lyrics and the rhythm of our footsteps on the forest floor. Someone cleared their throat and everyone stopped, turning to look at an irritated Ralph.
            "We should climb the mountain," he said, not before shooting a glare at Jack. Why so ticked off?
           We all nodded at him and he stepped next to me, forcing Jack next to Simon. Oh. Ralphie is jealous. Maybe some drama is on the horizon.
           It didn't take long for us to scale the tiny mountain, though I've never actually climbed up one before, so I wouldn't truly know.
         We made it to the top and I gasped. You could see the whole island, almost. It was gorgeous. I looked at Ralph with wide eyes and he laughed at me, "You should see the look on your face."
         "Can you blame me, Ralph? It's beautiful!" There's nothing wrong with my face.
          Ralph just laughed again and said, "The island doesn't look occupied. We are probably alone out here. We should get back to the others, it's been a while."
         We all nodded and turned back the way we came. I gulped. Was it that steep going up? There was a boulder in front of us and climbing over it looked easier than going back down it. Ralph jumped down with ease and I looked at him like he was insane. He probably is, I just met him.
         He chuckled, "Do you need help?"
         I crossed my arms, "Maybe." Yes.
         He smiled and put his hands on my hips. I gently stepped off the rock and my arms automatically went on to his. I already escaped death once today, I'm not about to fall to my death. Two seconds later I was placed onto the ground. Better than jumping. Ralph removed his hands and we faced the others, still on the rock. Simon leaped to the ground and Jack came next, the latter with a sour look on his face. Or maybe that's just his face.
         Our walk back was shorter it seemed, with an utter lack of singing, too. My nerves were getting the best of me, but singing again felt weird with the tension growing between Jack and Ralph.
        We emerged from the leaves and were met with a ferocious sun. I squinted my eyes as we made our way to everyone else.
         Ralph called a meeting and I sat on a log on his immediate right, Jack on my other side, Simon on Ralph's left. They talked and told everyone what we saw while Simon and I stayed silent. I was busy worrying about everything and anything, and thankfully no one needed me to speak.
         It was late in the evening, about eight, so Ralph said to find somewhere to settle down and sleep. We all wandered in pairs on the beach. I was sitting next to Naomi and tuning out her rambling until Ralph walked up to us.
         "Annona, can I talk to you?" He glanced at Naomi, "Alone?"
         I nodded and he reached out to help me up. I don't normally touch people unless I have to, but my headache is returning. Ralph pulls me off the ground with ease and starts leading me away. I looked over my shoulder at Naomi, she was smirking and wiggling her eyebrows at me. I blushed and she sent me a wink.
         Ralph was still holding my hand as he lead me to a small clearing in the forest.  We sat on a rock and I looked around. The trees towered over us and the weak sunlight trickled in through the branches, flooding the small space with a golden glow.
          Ralph let go of my hand and I turned to him, my hand feeling cold.
         "What?" I asked him. He was smiling at me weird.
          "You're just pretty," He said.
           I was probably blushing like a loon, "Thanks, you're not so bad yourself." Only Naomi calls me pretty.
            He smiled wider and shot me a wink. I blushed even more. What is actually wrong with me right now?
            "Um, so why am I here again?" I asked, desperately trying to control my red face. I start bouncing my leg out of habit and search his face.
             "I wanted to make something abundantly clear, Annona," he said, suddenly serious, "I like you. A lot. And I don't know if you like me back, but I will continue pursuing you."
              My mouth dropped open. Oh no. Ralph has the hots for me. His British accent made him even cuter and the sunlight bounced off his golden hair. Stupid white teeth.
            I smiled and pecked him on the cheek, effectively turning his cheeks a light shade of pink. It takes two to tango, and I love drama, "You're cute, Ralphie. I like you, too. I should get back to Naomi now. Feel free to come sit with us after you do your leader stuff."
            He smiled at me and I got up. I walked back toward the beach and shot him a wink over my shoulder before I left the last cluster of trees. This is going to be my sole source of entertainment, so I need to milk it for what it's worth. And he's kinda cute. So whatever.

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