Character Descriptions

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DISCLAIMER: This story is purely work of fiction that comes from my mind. Thank you!


a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God Zeus, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.


The Upper Sphere
     are angels that are highest angelic ranks which serves God Zeus in their times. The upper sphere used to know that they are already in heaven with Zeus. They do not exist in this era.

The Second Sphere
     based on the Kingdom history, they were the first rulers and governors from the first era. They do not also exist these days but some Archangels believe that some of them converted into devils because of the greed on the government.

The Third Sphere
     the angels exist in this era. It consist of Archangel - the chief angels, who serves as the right hand and trusted officers of God Apollo the King of its kingdom with his wife Daphne, the queen. Rulers - who governs the kingdom and also in charge to organize the Olympus Grand Cup. Angelus - the lowest celestial being in the class but most recognized. Humans inside the kingdom respects all Angelus because they were powerful indeed in human form. Angelus are angels visible in human eyes with a white wings and dress in a long white robe. Another class of Angelus are Kidemonas which are Personal Guardian Angel of a marked human.


the chief evil spirit of Hela, goddess of Severus, Kingdom of Devils. There were the descendants of bad, enemy of good and who has this motive to take down the Albus Kingdom.


the kingdom history always says that these creatures exist through the blood line of Remiel but until now, no one proves this rumors.


A Kingdom which God Zeus created together with her wife Hera. Zeus created angels to take care of his kingdom before He went to heaven. Zeus created the first two pure blooded angels which are Raphael and Remiel who will be the root of pure blooded angels. Raphael and Remiel also assigned to choose a human which has the potential to be an ordained angel. This is where the Olympus Grand Cup begins - search for a human to convert into an angel.


The current King of Albus who reigns inside and outside the Kingdom with his wife Daphne.


Principal of Remus-Olympus University inside the kingdom where the students teach not academically but test their ability, honesty and loyalty to the kingdom.


A pure blooded human who lives on the outskirts of the kingdom and has the opportunity to study inside Remus-Olympus University because of the birth mark on her lower nape.

- a cat and a wolf ♡

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