Special Chapter: First Time

Start from the beginning

"As always." I chirp, and turn back around, racing upstairs into my room. 

I stare at myself in my floor length mirror, observing every detail, making sure I look perfect. I grab my phone and tuck it into my pocket, and walk out of my room, making my way down the stairs.

"Bye, dad!" I yell, quickly opening the door and walking out of the house.

I'm a rack of nerves on the bus. How do I even instigate it? How do I please him? It'll be my first time doing anything sexual, and I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing. What if he doesn't like it? What if I'm not good at it?

My brain is full of negative thoughts and questions, anxious at how this night is going to turn out. 

I get off the bus and walk down the street, stopping in front of his house. I stare at it for a few seconds, attempting to sooth my racing heart and heavy breathing. I let out a breath and walk up to the door, pressing my fingertip against the doorbell shakily.

The door swings open, and I'm met with a wide, happy smile. His dark brown hair is styled up, and his green eyes sparkle as they meet mine. 

"Hey!" He exclaims, leaning forward and planting a kiss on my cheek. He grabs my hand and drags me inside, closing the door behind him.

"Hey..." I mumble, nervously chuckling.

He leads me into the living room and sits me down. He holds his finger up, indicating for me to wait here.

"One second." He says, quickly dashing out of my sight. 

I twiddle my thumbs and grip on the hem of my skirt nervously, and he returns after a couple minutes holding a large bottle of vodka. I knit my brows and look at him confused.

He flops down on the couch beside me, cracking it open and pouring it straight into two small glasses. He picks one up and passes it to me, and grabs the other, raising it and bringing it to his lips.

I stare at the glass in my hand, then at him, sniffing it. I scrunch my face up in disgust, and he notices, a small laugh escaping his lips.

"Just drink it, Willow." He says, taking another gulp of his own drink.

I don't say anything, and slowly wrap my lips around the edge of the glass, tilting it and immediately feeling the sting on my lips. A small bit goes in my mouth and I cough, the taste bitter and revolting.

"How can you drink this?" I exclaim, scrunching my face.

"It'll take the edge off, babe. Just pretend it's water." He edges me, pressing his fingers on the bottom of my glass and tilting it up to my lips, forcing me to take another sip.

The second sip isn't as bad, but it still tastes vile. I decide to man up and just down the rest of it in one go, choking afterwards and slamming the glass down onto the table.

He laughs and pours more in the glass, passing it back to me. I shake my head and look at him pleadingly, but he raises an eyebrow and smirks, insisting I take it.

I sigh and grab the glass, tilting it back into my mouth, swallowing it in one gulp. It burns as it rushes down my chest and stomach, and my throat stings, the awful, lingering after taste still on my tongue.

He finishes the rest of his drink and grabs mine from my hand, placing them both down on the table. He inches closer to me on the couch, and rests his hand on my thigh, pressing his lips against my ear.

"You look really beautiful." He whispers, and I gulp loudly, the blood rushing to my face.

He pulls away slightly, and leans in closer to my face, and his lips attach to mine. He kisses me slowly, and I hesitate, but eventually return the kiss, closing my eyes. His hand trails further up my leg, and under my skirt.

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