Chp 12 Count Petrus Wraith Escort Mission (part 1)

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The looks we were getting from most of the protection detail didn't seem great excluded the ones who ignored us or respected that we had some ability at least, if they realised we had abilities.

The group and I were quietly talking about the quest while Hyxel was simultaneously giving the people who were showing disdain a death stare.
I would have been intimidated if I were them except for the fact that at that moment he looked like a brat.

The rest of us just ignored them I could tell that Esteel was a bit annoyed that we were being looked down upon but didn't interfere none the less because he knew it would cause trouble for me. Luke was just discreetly looking at Rachel's new outfit and admiring it.

Matthew Shane and I were mostly just talking about the details of the quest, myself inputting the least because I was reluctant to talk at length about stuff that I already knew.

After a short while of this whole situation, the client arrived. One of his subordinates, started to called of the mercenaries names, or nicknames/false names they had for jobs, followed by adventurers names and then the parties of either mercenaries or adventurers.

"Silver tail mercenaries...... Fire fox adventurers.... Lunas mortem adventurers..."- subordinate.

When each person/party heard their name called they went over to the client and the person or one of the group would confirm they were present.

Most of the parties as they were called followed a person of that party who were more slightly in front who I assumed were the leaders of the parties.

The mercenary partied were usually the only ones who didn't. Some of the mercenary groups didn't have a specific  leader to avoid backstabbing over power and squabbles over who had first pick over any loot, the mercenaries usually just had a member who was the best at that thing take temporary command over that thing if necessary e.g. in a fight a tactition would take over, in a dungeon/maze a thief or scout would take over, if in social gatherings or political situations the one more experienced in negotiating would take over, when assassinating an assassin would take over etc. It was usually specific to their jobs/titles.

When Lunas Mortem was called Rachel ran over to the subordinate calling..

"We're here!"- Rachel.

It appears that Rachel is our temporary leader then. She did seem the most energetic and I myself don't want to have to deal with being 'leader' mostly because it's hard work and you get little to no thanks. No thank you.

A few of the mercenaries/adventurers sniggered. Rachel just huffed and continued talking to Luke, who by the way seemed unimpressed by their attitude.

The rest of us soon followed and it wasn't long before everyone was confirmed to be present. The client who was up until presently had been hiding in his carriage came out and stood next to his subordinate who looked more like a count then he did. The subordinate who's name was Alban considering the small conversation that the count had with him about the confirmation of everyone's presence where Alban's name was mentioned.

The Count Looked like a cowardly man, he was short, a bit skinny and looked like he would jump out of his skin if any of his new 'protectors' came near him. He was especially afraid of the meaning looking ones or the larger muscled ones like Luke.

Alban was reassuring him that it was fine and they wouldn't kill him otherwise they would get no reward, have their license revoked(if it was a an adventurer), or that people of similar status could take revenge for this cowardly count(who seemed to have some connections despit how he might look). Which did little to comfort the poor man. Alban also was assessing? most of the people present, he didn't seem to have any skills but he was sharp for a servant. He looked around glancing at a few people including Esteel and I because I think he recognised the serving clothes Esteel was wearing and how he seemed to be protecting me. After a bit he turned away which finally suggested that he wasnt really interested. He seemed to have concluded I was wealthy or a son of some noble or something who had brought a servant to protect him.

The Count who had managed to gather up some courage during his servants inspections spoke up and stressed the large group.

"Hello mercenaries and adventurers I have sent out a request in both the mercenaries guild and adventurers guild. Please do not annoy each other who are in a different guild and don't fight amongst you're own I hope that you shall all co-operate in protecting me and my cargo while I travel to the next town, Metol, upon arrival to the next town I shall notify both guilds in Metol that the quest has been completed then you can go to your respective guild and claim the reward you can claim your reward in Metol or another place with that guild but I do recommend that you do it in Metol because it'll be more difficult to confirm elsewhere due to the long time it may take to relay this information between branches when you ask to claim it.
Do not worry about any incompetent people on this quest I have confirm with both guilds that the people here will be able to fair quite well in this task, so fret not about competency."- Count Petrus Wraith.

After his little speech the Count went back inside the carriage and Alban took over formation of the people across the caravan of goods and specific rewards and any questions that people asked.

The quest was suppose to take two days and a night and Alban said that the mercenaries will take one side of the caravan and the adventurers will take the other and when camping for the night they will stay on different ends of the camp. It seemed that the client knew that some disagreements may happen between both and decided that it would be better to separate the two.

A few questions were asked here and there. Like about food and camping arrangements. Alban said food and water will be prepared and outside of that the rest of it will be up to the parties and members of this large group. Some people groaned because they didn't bring tents or know how to set anything up although everyone was happy about not having to cook their own food.

Someone asked.

"Are you sure that everyone here is skilled enough, I think some people might've bought their way in or were lying."- Someone.

He said this while staring all too obviously at our group followed by most of everyone else's gazes.

Alban almost immediately replied.

"Yes."- Alban.

It looked like Alban wasn't taking any sh*t from anyone.

The guy didn't expect such a sudden blunt answer and was dumb struck for a moment before going back to listening after a quite grumble of embarrassment.

Some people kept casting quick glances every now and then to figure out our strength.

When everything was talked about the caravan started off. Our group was near the back but not so close that we would be the first to be attacked if someone were to attack from behind. Most of the mercenaries were at the back with a few at the front and then the rest of the space was adventures.

The caravan was quite large with about 6 or 7 carriages and 30 people guarding it, including 2 group of five of which were mercenaries and one group of 7 which was us, a group of 6 which were adventurers and 4 single mercenaries and 3 single adventurers. Everyone of the guards were C,B or A rank.

We were walking on the right along side a carriage the Count said some people can sit on the sides of the carriages if they wanted but not too many otherwise we will be slowed. Luke offers that Rachel should sit on the carriage and Matthew since Rachel was a girl and both were mages and had slightly lower stamina and body strength that the rest of us. Rachel persuaded Matthew even though he said he would rather not get any special treatment because of his class and that he would need to improve his stamina at some point but Rachel wasn't having any of it and forced Matthew on it saying 'it'll be bad if you get tired and slow us down or won't be ready to fight' it was a bit brutal but Matthew, knowing Rachel, took it in good will and sat on it to appease her and then convinced her to sit on it as well saying 'well you can't just leave me to be the only one up here and you might slow us done as well since your staminas just like mine'. I can't help but think that Matthew got a bit of revenge as well but he also meant it in good will. We also decided we would call each other by something else to avoid being recognised, to try and save us having remember all new fake name we just used the colour of our cloaks.

Azrail- Black.
Rachel- Red.
Luke- Grey.
Matthew- Blue.
Hyxel- Yellow.
Shane- Green.
Esteel- White.

It seemed easier to remember.

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