Chp 2 New World

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Azrail PoV

I woke up in some fields in the middle of nowhere i looked down at my clothes and found i was wearing a lot of black. A white shirt with a black jacket, black trousers and high black boots. I couldn't see anybody around so I decided that I should just sleep for a bit then. Not much need for panicking besides if what that God said is true then I should not be in any danger.

After getting some sleep I got up because I thought that even though I would much rather stay asleep I'll have to leave eventually and that I should go before it gets dark at least.

After walking for quite some time I finally found a dirt road. If I follow this than I should be able to find a town or something I thought. I was quite bored and i was going over what God had said to me. I wonder how strong I actually am then.

A screen popped up in front of me as if on cue and it had some information on it. Of course I thought, it's like a game world isn't it so there would be a status screen. To my surprised though the stats were way more than broken even for a God.

Name: Azrail Amara



Job/Titles:Being an all powerful being, The God, Strongest being in existence.

Skills:all in existence and unique, one of a kind skills.(creation, oblivion, shape-shifting, illusion, world knowledge, scan, existence concealment, find existences. etc.)

Well at least I'll have no problems if someone tries to hurt me.

Anyway I need to find a town or something. I walked for a maybe an hour and I found a town, although an hour seems like it was to short a time to get to a town while walking but I'll overlook it anyway, it's not the strangest thing that's happened to day.

I got into the line at the gate to get inside, some merchants give me some strange looks because I had appeared there without any travelling gear of any sort or even adventurers clothes.

While I was waiting I talked with one of said merchants about the town and was able to find out some things about this world. It is indeed a game like world as I thought with an adventurers guild, dragons, goblins, dwarfs, elfs, beastmen and so on.

The world was called Abride and it was your typical fantasy world.

Eventually it was my turn to go inside and the guards asked for identification of course I lied through my teeth and said that I was attacked on the way here and lost all of my things including my ID. Lucky for me he bought it, it is quite bothersome though.

He gave me a temporary ID and said I would need to register with the adventures guild or apply for a citizens identification at the town hall within three days or they will fine me.

Using one of my skills I created a map of the town and proceeded to find the guild, I never know why the people in games don't realise the importance of a map until they get lost.

I walked into the guild and up to the reception desk the woman at the counter was very pretty as you would expect from the first person one would talk to from the staff of a guild I could read her status and it said,

Name:May Woods



I Was Reincarnated As A God ~discontinued~ (Not Finished)Where stories live. Discover now