Chp 4 The Duel

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We entered the collesuem like arena with Rachel, Matthew, Luke, Shane, Hyxel, Miss Shael and of course myself.
The others looked quite worried for me, well I think that in terms of pure brute strength and cheat-like methods he outclassed them all a fitting tactic for a jerk like him. I can't say much though I have cheat-like abilities as well although I'm not such a moron as to show them of to people, imagine the outrage I would cause.

Hyxel and I walked over to the centre of the arena the air of pride and smugness never leaving Hyxel for a second.

Miss Shael and the other students went over to the bleachers and sat down the look of worry still not moving from their faces.

I looked back towards the smug jerks face and was wonderibg how to go about this battle, of course I will win but the question is how will I do it without revealing my actual strength?

I should put on a show for them. This is gonna be fun.

"Ya ready weakling."- Hyxel.

I wonder why people insult me all the time. It's not like I try to offend them.
Well maybe a little but only when they deserve it.

"Then shall we begin the duel Mr. Celcus."- Me

Oh I absolutely hate how I need to be polite to this jerk. Well I could be rude but there are a lot of people who would happily bully me if I was rude to him although he is an illegitimate child he is still the son of a king and therefore people still try to curry favour with him. He is too much of an idiot to see past the fake and self-centered reasons behind it of course. The last thing I need now is more people to bother me then I already have.

Miss Shael is giving the countdown before she started though she asked if I wanted to quit. Why would I do that you must definitely think I'm weak huh.
I'm hurt (not really, I don't care much).

The duel begins, I decide to let him finish the current spell he was casting, this idiot is full of openings though.

He finally finished it took him like 10 seconds I could have already won by now but let's pretend this is difficult.

He shoots a fire ball at me, so I guess he can use magic without having his sword in hand. He must have a fire element attribute, a fitting element for the hotheaded jerk, judging by the intensity and size it seems intermediate level. I can see why the others were worried, for first years in this school (I know they're 16 but that's when people usually join the Academy since its when the attributes appear the most) intermediate is quite impressive needless to say I'm God level strength with all the attributes but it's kind of obvious since I am a God.

I can't help but feel a bit narcissistic when I call myself a God even if I am one. Ah but back to the fight, I dodge the ball of fire and I rush behind Hyxel, I could easily chop him on the back of his neck right now but I'll be restrained.

He turns around quick as I pull out my daggers and proceeded to run towards him, I change my angle of approach right before contact to make it harder to block the attack. Hyxel summons his sword( magic swordsmen can summon their weapon from a space rift although they cant store anything else there unlike the infinite storage spell that Azrail has) and manages to block the attack in time not before being blown back a bit, I need to control my strength better otherwise people will start to doubt me. I suppose at least I didn't kill him, that would be bad, well... debatable but still.

He is beginning to chant another spell, oh yes nearly forgot you usually need to chant spells I completely forgot since I have a 'no-chant' skill that allows me to cast a spell just by thinking of it, OP I know.

He lifts his sword and a glowing red aura surrounds him and the sword.
I use my 'divine eyes' to see what he is doing. It's a skill called 'enrage' quite reflective on his personity like a wild animal, it increases his overall strength. He rushes at me and tries to slash me like there's no tomorrow you would've sweared I killed his pet or something, I feel like this is a violation of the not fatal wounds rule, not that it would wound me but he could hurt somebody else.

I reached the decision that I should just beat him already as to not drag the others into this fight by accident.
I seemingly disappeared into nothing and reappeared behind Hyxel again this time though I did chop him on the back of his neck and just to get a bit of revenge I kicked my leg into his side.

He passed out and sort of just lay there I didn't want to help him but I suppose I couldn't just leave him there- nah he's fine he doesn't need a 'weakling' to help him so I'll just leave him be.

Miss Shael came over to give us a quick check over to make sure we were ok she seemed to really be fast with Hyxel. She must not like him either.

We went back to class Miss Myers and Mr Banks carried Hyxel back, we sat down again and resumed our lesson. I wouldve thought that Miss Shael would have called the school nurse or something but we meet her on the way back and it appears she is quite busy with other students, apparently a similar situation some classmates weren't taking very kindly to the new classmates.

Miss Shael started teaching math, it was alegebra I'm surprised they don't go straight into magic lessons but I suppose that even if you have magic it's pretty useless if your dumb. It was too easy though '2X=8. X=?' How stupid do you think we are, although the others seemed to struggle a bit. So this is considered hard then, math class is gonna be boring.

Hyxel woke up half way through the lesson and joined in he wasn't yelling as much but he was still a jerk. At the end of the lesson we had an exam, I think that it was quite fast although me and the others who took the exam joined half way through the year so they've been on this topic for a while. We had thirty minutes and there was 3 pages I finished in like 5 minutes, I handed it to Miss Shael and she checked it over. Hyxel was sitting there with a grin cause he thought I gave up and Rachel, Luke, Shane and Matthew looked sorry for me.

"I-its all correct Mr. Amara."- Miss Shael.

That shocked them all, ha the look on their faces are priceless.

"Great can I leave now."- Me.

I didn't want to stay, it would be bothersome. It was the last lesson of the day for me though since the tests took all morning.

"Y-yes."- Miss Shael

"Then I shall see you all tomorrow."- Shael.

Lucky for me school is only on three days a week. The time system is the same here in Abride is the same as it was on Earth but the days were named differently. It was. Moon day, Chi day, Lead day, War day, Life day, Matter day, Sun day. I know a bit random and the months are just, 1st month, 2nd month, 3rd month etc. They usually start school on the first month and then it continues for 5 months and then 6th and 12th month school is cancelled. It's the near the start of the 7th month now so the school year is already half over but they have more tests for the entry to first year since some people get their attribute properties later than others.

It's lead day today so it's the last day of school until next week. Which gives me four days to do whatever I want. I think I'm gonna do that herb collection thing now.

I Was Reincarnated As A God ~discontinued~ (Not Finished)Where stories live. Discover now