
Tristan awoke to a harsh slap across his face. The boy jumped, panting heavily. His vision was blurred, that's for sure. He couldn't quite identify the person who had slapped him, but he knew for sure it was a female— a Latino female to be exact. "Hey, boy toy, are you okay?" The unidentified girl asked, tapping Tristan's nose. Suddenly, he heard another voice— a male voice, and he knew exactly who that was. It was Jackson.

Tristan closed his eyes, before reopening them again, blinking a couple times afterwards. By doing this, his vision had cleared and he was able to see who it was. He was right, it was Jackson— but the girl he had never met. And if he did, he just didn't remember. Tristan's eyes met with Jackson's, as the older leaned in to kiss Tristan. A chuckle could be heard from the female, while the both of them pulled away. Jackson got up from his knees, helping Tristan uo, which he gladly accepted.

Tristan hadn't realized how chaotic everything was, until he was given a chance to look. It was quite a sight if you asked him. Blood. Bodies. Destroyed buildings. It was like something out of his worst nightmare. Both Jackson and Tristan stood next to each other, staring at what was once camp halfblood. Tristan decided to break the tension. "What happened?" Tristan asked, looking towards Jackson.

Jackson swallowed hard, looking back at Tristan. "We don't know who attacked. But Those bastards are strong, they killed thirty"

Thirty? Thirty people were killed? Thirty innocent people. Tristan couldn't believe it, he had to know more. "What are we gonna do?" Tristan asked slowly, waiting to for Jackson to answer. Expect, Jackson didn't answer. Instead the girl.

"We're gonna suck it up, and get revenge" the girl, also known as Amaranth said. Amaranth already had both her hands in fists. " they're going to pay! They wiped out basically my whole cabin! Do you believe this?" Amaranth shouted, anger laced in her voice. Jackson shook his head, giving Amarnath the 'we get it. Calm down" look.

Amaranth rolled her eyes, turning her attention to the scene in front of her. Triston was scared. And the thing was, he wasn't the only one. Everyone was scared.

Suddenly, to end the tension, two girls walked towards them, a look of fear and confusion tattooed on both their faces. The first girl who approached them huffed, looking Jackson straight in the eye. Jackson tilted his head. "What happened Lilian?"

The girl named, Lilian, spoke quietly, trying to hide the anger that was laced in her voice. "They found the idiots who started this all"

After receiving news that they may have found the people who did this, the group was nervous and eager to see who it was. It was reported that a couple of the people who fled the camp, found them and caught them.

Tristan, Jackson, Lilian, and Amaranth arrived at the scene where they found them. Amaranth noticed the group of people surrounding two males, who she assumed to be the ones. Everyone was covered in blood, bandages— everyone looked like shit. The girl who was with Lilian, also known as Swayer walked over to a boy with dark brown hair and an angelic face.

Jackson , Tristan , and Amaranth made their way through the crowd to see who it was. They were stopped dead in their tracks, meeting face to face with who did it.

Both males were tied to a tree, only one looked fully consious, the other, not so much. Two males stood in front of them, including a female, who was in fact sitting next to one.

"What do you suppose we do with them?" a boy with nice sort brown hair asked, looking at the other male who had blonde. The blonde shrugged looking at the two males. "Scott, I'm not sure"

Amaranth stepped in between the two of them, pointing her finger at the two tied up. "I say, we get some answers, and then kill them!"

Scott glanced over at Amaranth, shaking his head. "We shouldn't kill them, but I do agree we should ask some questions." Scott stated, looking back at the Latino female.

Amaranth just rolled her eyes. "You're just saying that because you're good cop. I'm okay with being bad cop, at least I'm not a vagina"

Scott wanted to fire back with something good, but his brain couldn't work at the momment, so he couldn't. Scott walked over to the tree where they were tie up, kneeling down. Scott took both of the cloths out of their mouths. "Talk"

Both boys stayed silent, both their eyes darting back and forth. Both boys studied every single one there. Scott narrowed his eyes at the both of them repeating what he said before. "I said talk"

Finally, after much silence, one of the boys talked. "Look— dude, if you're gonna kill us, you better at least give one of us a good funeral"

The group of people stared at him in shock. They just killed a bunch of people, and this is what he says? Scott was starting to get frustrated, really frustrated. "Excuse me? You just murdered a bunch of innocent people, and that's what you're worried about?"

The boy nodded. "Pretty much" Scott glanced behind him, not quite sure what to say. The girl who was sitting, stood up, clearing her throat qu softly. She kneeled in front of Scott (which was something he didn't like) ad looked at the both of them. Her voice was soft and she spoke slowly. "I'm Elle. We aren't here to hurt you" she paused, swallowing "but we just need to know who you are.." Elle trailed off. Ángeles stepped forward, finishing off Elle's sentence. "And who you idiots work for"

Both boys shared a look, before the boy who spoke earlier, talker again. "I'm Azazel" the boy now known as Azazel said, looking towards the other. "And Im Aiden"

Everyone looked at each other. Aiden looked at everyone with a blank expression. "And we're the son of Hades"

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