Twenty Eight

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Picture//  Alex's Wolf
Song// The Night We Met Lord Huron

My eyes widen as my mate leaps through the crowds and stands in front of Woods and I.

I push Woods off with my legs, making him slide back away from my body.

I felt so disgusting and used. He was just trying to make Alex angry, and it looks like he succeeded.

Alex sets his white dress shirt in front of me, not taking his eyes off of Woods.

"So the human wants to play mates now?" Woods smirks, rising to his feet in front of Alex.

Alex growls lowly, placing his body in between me and Woods.

I feel like I can finally breath, as his warm caramel scent hits my senses.

Woods turns into his wolf, making the audience gasp as the two males circle each other.

I look towards Kody, who stands on the outer edge with a nervous frown.

Woods is the first one to launch himself at Alex, who expertly dodges the attack.

I furrow my brows, intently watching the males fight. Woods might have been a dick, but he was a damn good fighter.

Alex has no training and is overly angry. I just hope he doesn't allow his anger to get the best of him.

Alex's eyes flicker to me once, before he pounces on Woods.

Woods is sent towards the ground, my mate over him in a moment, digging his claws into Woods chest.

Woods lets out a sickening yelp, before throwing my mate off, sending him flying towards a tree.

I gasp as his body hits the tree with a crack.

"Alex!" I scream, tugging on the ropes tying my hands to the silver pole.

He gets up slowly, Woods already stalking him with a growl.

Woods pounces on Alex, who side-steps him. I can see his ribs are hurt badly, but he keeps a brave face.

The something absolutely perplexing happens. In the crowd, wolves begin to turn on each other.

Men were beating other men, women pulling each other's hair out.

I glance at my mate, who was tumbling with Woods on the ground.

I notice Martinez's beta runs up to Woods' beta with a panicked look on his face.

Woods' beta clenches his jaw, his eyes set on me.

I raise a brow indifferently. It was obvious he blamed me for whatever commotion was happening here.

He begins stomping towards me, but is stopped by Kody, who explodes into his wolf stoping the beta from approaching me.

My head spins as everyone around me was fighting.

I felt the helplessness sink into my bones as I watch.

Even Mrs. Barkley was swinging her purse at another older lady.

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