34; [FINAL] i found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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yea i'm still alive thanks for wondering 😘

yea i'm still alive thanks for wondering 😘

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The power a guardian angel is given is a sacred one, used to steer people in the direction of their destiny. and being visited in the moments of death, with the lights of a hospital room above you, or below the millions of stars in the sky that seem like they're finally within reach; must truly be a once in a lifetime experience.

But, the more I envisioned Taeyong behind bars, the more that image fell.


I looked up at the familiar voice, my lips pulled into a forced line. Truth be told, everything that happened hit me like a brick, and before I knew it, my chest was sinking. This was now my reality.

Yeonghwan could read the situation. If anything, he could at least do that. So, I trusted him not to say anything too it as I sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. I felt his eyes on my back, his earlier eager banter replaced by the pitiful sadness that plagued the room.


He said my name again, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. Normally, his precarious shift in personalities would have irritated me, but I had no desire of thinking about it at that moment.

"I hadn't realised before how serious your bond was," He nodded solemnly. "I'm truly sorry for your loss."

I looked away, gulping down my unsavoury words as I adjusted my chin in my palm. I didn't want his sympathy.

"So, you mean to say there's nothing more we can do?"

"There's nothing you can do, Dohyeong. But if anything were to change, it would ultimately be his choice."

My ears perked up at his choice of words as my eyes flickered back over to meet his. "What?"

"It's a decision you would have no right to be a part of."

I turned to face him fully, my bubbling irritation fizzling out. "What could the decision possibly be to fit under those circumstances?"

"And, is he aware of it? From the way our conversation went, I can say almost for sure that he knows of no way to change the coming future."

Yeonghwan's expression was stony but calculating, as if he was planning out his words in his head in a strong effort not to let anything unnecessary slip.

"I haven't informed him of it yet since the particular offer is certainly not an easy thing to throw around, and certainly not an easy thing to decide."

"..What happens on the good side of this offer?"

His expression turned thoughtful, and he looked away with a pensive stare. "..I suppose, your version of the good side of the offer would be the ending of him living in the human world with certain drawbacks."

the spaces in betweenㅣtaeyong Where stories live. Discover now