3 ; imaginary

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3 - imaginary -

3 - imaginary -

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My theory of the red-haired angel being a part of my imagination is becoming more and more believable. Because, after biology, I had history, and while I was walking there, some of my questions were answered.

As I was on my way, I didn't notice him right away. First, it was just the flash of his unusual hair a ways behind me, next, well, it capped the idea.

I saw him, sort of, walk through someone.

It sounds completely impossible, and, it is. So, it pretty much solves it, I'm imagining him. Though, I still haven't figured why in the world I would be.

I'll figure out, maybe then he'll go away.

"What's the probability that I'm just unrealistically tired?" I slumped against a library table, resting my chin in my hand.

Aera had offered to save us seats in the library upstairs in the school so we could study during lunch. Because I'd been having a little bit of trouble in biology, and since I know Aera wants to major in sciences, I thought it'd be a good chance.

Aera shrugged as she took a bite of her sandwich and she turned a page in her textbook. "I don't know. How much did you sleep last night?"

I didn't answer for a moment as I thought back to the night before.

"I mean, I read a book until late last night," My brows knitted as I thought about my words, "But, it's not like I didn't go to sleep at a drastically different time than normal. I'm usually up late anyway."

"Maybe it's just an effect of not getting enough sleep long-termly," Aera suggested, looking up at me.

"I want to say so, but wouldn't that be the easy solution? It couldn't be that simple." I told her, putting my hand in my lunch bag and feeling around.

As my fingers grasped my drink, I added, "Especially for something like seeing someone who doesn't exist! Besides, I doubt sleep could do that if I'm used to going to bed late. I think human bodies can adapt to stuff like that."

Aera sighed and shrugged.

"I guess so. But, I don't know." She sniffed, wiping her nose on a napkin from her bag before continuing, "I haven't seen anyone with red hair around, nor do I have any experience with seeing things no one else can. So I don't have any advice for you."

I groaned softly as I took a sip from my drink, my eyes flitting around the room.

"Ah, What do I do, Aera? Do I just let it be and hope he goes away?" I asked, slamming the bottom of my water bottle down softly on the table.

"I don't know, Dohyeong. It'll probably all work out, just wait."

I sighed again as I laughed, "You're absolutely no help at all."

She looked at me from above her sandwich and smiled pleasantly.

"That's what I do."

"Hey, just curious, but do you see that red-haired guy anywhere around? Or has he gone away yet?" Aera asked me later that day as we were walking home, occasionally looking over her shoulder as if she thought someone was there.

I put my hand on her shoulder, pulling her softly forward so could stop her from embarrassing herself.

I took a quick look over my own shoulder, and sure enough, there he was, dawdling casually behind us.

"Yeah. He's there." I answered

Aera looked to the side and to the back, her eyes going over him and missing him completely.

"It's strange, I don't see him anywhere."

I smiled again as my eyes flickered to the red-haired halo boy. He looked unbothered at our conversation, he looked as if it either didn't bother him or he plainly just couldn't hear what we were talking about.

Or, can he hear? It's a stupid thought, he probably can. He's most likely human.

I shook my thoughts away as I parted ways with Aera, who'd told me to call her if the boy did anything weird.

I was about to ask her why she'd say such a thing about the quiet boy with the red hair, but I realised I'd neglected to tell her about the halo above his head.

I'd laughed at that.

Studying was boring. Well, is. But not as much with him here. I've been studying a lot recently since it's around the beginning of December. That means I have midterms in around a month, and as much as I hated them, I needed to well on them if I wanted to get into a good college.

As I sat at the desk in my room, I watched the red-haired boy who was sitting by across from me twirl my yellow pen between his fingers. I smiled to myself, the sight of someone so intimidating-looking with a bright pen in his hand amusing me.

His eyes flickered up, away from the pen at my small noise. I looked down and licked my lips, pretending to focus on a paragraph in my textbook about the process of phytoplankton reproducing. I assumed it worked because his head was back down and looking at the pen before you could say 'phytoplankton'.

I smiled and read the rest of the page, the sound of my pen in his hands as it tapped the table giving me a small sense of comfort.


she thinks he's most likely human, huh?

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