13 ; fear none

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13 - fear none -

13 - fear none -

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"I want to talk to you," He said, making me let out an internal sigh.

yeah, this is still weird.

"I'm busy," I said, grabbing my phone and unlocking it, staring awkwardly at my home screen of Aera and me from homecoming this year.

He ignored me, "Are you scared?"

I opened an app and scrolled through it for a moment before I quietly admitted, "It's whatever,"

I just got quiet after that, not knowing what to say. He retaliated smoothly, telling me, "We don't have to talk about it, but I know it's not whatever,"

He tried to make eye contact, making my heart thump nervously as he said, "You know, you say you're scared, but you don't seem to be afraid to talk to me,"

I let out a breath through my nose and shrugged lamely. "Well, there's no reason to be,"

He looked up, his brow slightly raised.

"Yeah? And why is that?"

I swallowed my nerves and looked up and met his eye, confidently saying, "Because this all has to be a mistake, so it'll go away soon,"

He didn't reply for a moment.

"Of course."


When I woke up in the morning, it felt like another day of just appearing in bed in the morning with no recollection of going to sleep. Which, to be fair, I now realised was probably Taeyong's doing. But I didn't mind at all. If anything, it was just chopping off the time it took for me to actually settle down to sleep.

When I sat up, it was yet another feeling of deja-vu when I didn't spot him in the room. But today, for some reason, I was a little more bothered about it than I was yesterday. Nonetheless, I told myself not to worry about it and went on to continue my morning routine.

But still, when I was brushing my teeth, I caught myself checking for him behind my reflection in the mirror every once and a while. So when I was putting on skincare products and noticed him standing behind me in the corner of my eye from the mirror, I was unexplainably relieved.

I tried not to show it, but he, of course, noticed it anyway.

"What was that for?" He asked, eyeing me as I rubbed lotion into my skin.

I didn't answer at first, listening for anyone nearby before I responded. "Don't go anywhere if you don't need to, please,"

He seemed amused at my statement, just nodding,

We didn't speak at all for the rest of that time, but, for whatever reason, my thoughts seemed to be back on track when I knew he was right there. Which, I'm going to be honest, scared me a little. I've mentioned how I didn't want him to become normal to me before, but it seems like that very thing had inevitably happened.

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