1 ; first sighting

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1 - first sighting -

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Everyone has a crush.

It's simple. Don't try to deny it, you know it's true. Whether it be someone you know personally or a celebrity, whoever. Everyone has that one person.

I know there will always be someone that denies it, someone whose nose crinkles dramatically in disgust whenever someone mentions a crush. But in reality, they most likely have them too. That brings me to now, as I transition into real life, where I'm staring right at that person. My person (or so I wished)

My crush.

I don't know why exactly he's my crush, but, like I said, he's just that person. I don't know why, and I don't care to question it. His name is Hyeokjae. His hair is a nice shade of brown with a part in the middle of his forehead. His smile is very bright, and he always seems to be laughing.

I like to think I'm happy too, that my smile is also bright. But I'm not always laughing, my hair isn't that nice, either. So I like to think we're opposites, because, well, opposites attract, don't they?

I loosened my grip on my pencil as I look away from him, the doodles over the questions in my book making me let out a small groan in annoyance.

Another opposites thing; he's way into sports, playing with balls and yelling whenever something good happens. But I'm way into things like drawing or writing, things done by hand. I also think of myself as quiet. Not someone who screams when they're happy.

"Dohyeong, I appreciate the creativity, but this isn't art class."

I look up to see the teacher over my shoulder, her eyes scanning my drawings.

"Sorry." I apologised softly, working on erasing them as she walked away.

I erased and erased, the defined lines having made dents and grey smears in the page. The tips of my ears grew red from embarrassment, the once quiet classroom now abuzz with light whispers and badly-hidden giggles.

But now I'm too paranoid that their whispers are about me.

I love the end of the school day. But I also sort of hate it.

I hate the mess of stumbling, sweaty, disgusting-smelling bodies that all just automatically just fall out into the hallway when the bell rings. But I like going home. I like stepping out into the crisp air of this time of year. I like the feeling of knowing that I'll finally be able to go home and give my brain a rest. I also like the fact that I get to see my best friend, Aera, who I have no classes with.


Speaking of.

I shifted the weight of my backpack to one side so I could get a good look at Aera. She's a strange one, but a perfect example of why I think opposites do truly attract.

She's an opposite to me, but also one in the same.

She's also a huge dork, a lively person that also spends an unhealthy time obsessing over SHINee, but that's where the similarities stop. She's a healthy thing, she has dainty features and perfect skin. And I'm not saying that I'm completely the opposite or anything. That would be insensitive of me, because I know I don't look bad.

I'm just not exactly thin, and my features and skin are arguable. But I guess, in the end, I shouldn't be comparing us. Everyone else does that for me.

But it doesn't really matter anymore, though, because we have too many things in common. And since she's my best friend, it's not like I care if we're compared, because I know she doesn't care either.

Aera and I walk home from school together, we've been doing so since 9th grade. There's a fork in the path 6 minutes and 14 seconds into the walk —I'd timed it years ago— where we part ways.

As we walked home today, I realised that we'd taken up a little bit too much time after school in the library. So, because of the quickly darkening sky, I decided to start walking a little faster so I could avoid walking in the dark.

But because it wasn't completely dark yet, my legs cast light shadows on the ground, the shapes unproportioned and curved strangely

As I stared at the shadows, I tried to think of what to make of them.

English is my favourite subject. And, that's not completely random. I don't speak English, but I pay attention enough to know the words have patterns, the words have curves and lines, sound-wise or physical, logical or not. That's what my mind went to when I saw the shadows of my legs, their strangeness reminding me of those illogical, patterned words.

I smiled to myself, but my thoughts were cut short for a moment when I looked up, the unmistakable noise of shoes scraping against concrete filling my ears.

My brows knitted in confusion as I turned around to see a boy standing there. Just standing there, doing nothing but looking down at his feet. He didn't seem to notice me staring at him, either. As if he didn't think much of it. I didn't think much of him either, at least not until I saw the white glow of the halo above his dark red hair.

The sun went down completely about fifteen minutes after I got home. Around 20 minutes after I saw the boy with the halo.

I must've been dreaming. Maybe all the studying I did at the library with Aera fried my brain so I can't think straight. Ah, that must be it. I knew math was bad.

I internally rolled my eyes at my thoughts. A reoccurring daydream of mine is the question of why the reasons my thoughts are always so contradictory. I can get into some far off thoughts, but I guess anything is game when you're talking about the content of daydreams.

'they're what makes you special' says Aera.

I always laugh at that, I'm not special in that way. If I have any hidden talents, they're hidden well, because not even I've found them yet. Seriously. I'm not above average at anything, not math like Kim Minseok, a boy in my math class. Not singing, like Park Jimin, a boy in the choir.

I'm just Cha Dohyeong.

A/N: haa I tried to fit in everything that I needed to, sorry if it's a little choppy

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